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exporting hkx animations to kf animations


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Hello, I want to ask everybody about exporting animation with BBP to .kf file. I have tried a lot of skeletons and animations, and in ALL BBP animations have same problem: while converting in hkxcmd.exe I have problem like this http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/4129181-1367746796.jpg

and after that when I try to use animation in nifscope (and/or in blender) I see something like this:


few frames all good, and in few frames skeleton goes crazy- scaling and rotating as wild dog


So I have a question - does someone know about how to fix resulting .kf file or any other way to make correct .kf file with bbp animation from hkx animation for next usage in blender.


Edited by newmiller
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you have to fix the scale manually for each frame. Hkxcmd doesnt build for customized hkx anyway. Viewing the motion it self in nifskope might not be a bad idea bot also not effective. Best thing is import it to 3ds max

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