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Final Push for voice acting before I release an update


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Hi all. First of all thanks to the voice actors who have sent their lines in. These are the parts I still need voiced. Gonna give it till next week then gonna release the update whether the parts are done or not( I will recruit for the leftover parts next time I update the mod). Send me a Pm if u want to do any. Thanks.




> It has been so long since we had company here, let alone the company of a
> mortal. I would tell you the story of this village should you wish to hear.
> Long ago in ancient times this village existed on the place now known as
> Skyrim and was known as Skein Village. We worshipped Azazel as our god
> Through communing with Azazel he gave of the means to invoke his general
> Belial the Conqueror. Azazel told us Belial would do our bidding, but we
> were deceived! Belial sought to conquer our kingdom and enslave its souls in
> the name of Azazel. We fought against Belial for three days and nights,
> then finally I landed the killing blow! With his last breath Belial cast this
> village down to Hellspire, but Azazel did not kill us, instead he
> Damned us to this unlife, perpetually conscious with no respite nor hope of
> redemption.
> I have a favor to ask you mortal. Under Mount Brimstone lies the Doom Forge
> where the armor and weapons of Azazel's legions are created by the Forge
> Master. It would be a devastating blow to Azazel if the Forge Master were to
> be killed and production of his armor and weapons halted.
> Do this for me mortal and I shall reward you with the Cuirass of Belial
> Hahahaha excellent mortal! Azazel be Damned! You have more than earned your
> reward.
> BELOCH(Skeleton):
> As a matter of fact there is stranger. In the wastes of Hellspire there is
> the lair of a foul creature, Zazamel the spider demon.
> Travel there and slay Zazamel and I will give you a piece of Belial's Armor
> Thank you my friend, that fiend will hound us no more! Here is your reward
> CASTRUS(Skeleton):
> Yes stranger, I will tell you of the Tower of the Dead. When Azazel feasts
> on the Damned's Souls the husk that is left is sent to
> roam the stairs of the Tower of the Dead. Mindless slaves to Azazel's power. They are governed
> by Zamial, Lord of the Dead and Azazel's general.
> Climb the Tower of the Dead and slay Zamial for me and I will give you Belial's helm.
> You are a strong one indeed. You are truly worthy of this reward!
> JOSEPH(Skeleton):
> Have you seen the insect like creatures that roam this place and leave a
> trail of fire behind them? They are called Reavers. They are the scavengers
> of Hellspire, feasting on the dregs of leftover souls. Their origins still
> however remain a mystery. Somewhere in the wastes of this place the
> Reaver Patriarch dwells in their main burrow. Go there and slay the creature and I
> will give you a piece of Belial's armor.
> Excellent mortal, hopefully that should thin the vile creatures numbers
> somewhat. Take this as a reward
> Arial still lives? That is great news! And what of Azazel?
> Words can not express my gratitude friend! You have saved us all! I must
> return to the heavens and tell the Aedra of this victory!
> Please return to Arial and let her know of your victory and let her know I am safe
MEMON (LORD OF THE DJIIN, Fire and shadow demon)
You will address me as Lord Me'mon you pathetic bag of flesh! I have existed since the beginning of time! I have seen worlds born and die!
I have stood toe to toe with gods! These feet have trodden angels wings! Who are you to address me as such!
Bwa Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Even with all my power I could not stand against the Fallen God when he came here. What makes you think you can?
Brave mortal, brave but foolish! You shall go no further! I will sear the flesh on your bones and break you within in inch of your worthless life!
And when you lie burnt and broken I will offer your soul to Lord Azazel, then you shall know an eternity of pain! Prepare yourself mortal!
Hello there, I was high summoner in the court of King Kandar, but that time has long since passed. I presume you are an adventurer of some sort?
The ruins that we inhabit here were once a great and mighty city long ago in ages past. The world was ravaged with war as man and mer fought one
for dominance. Deals were stuck with Devils and Daedra, all offering power in exchange for souls. Before Azazel fell the realm of Hellspire was
inhabited by sadistic and cruel beings composed of fire and shadow known as the Djiin. We made a bargain with these Djiin, 100 souls for their
help to incinerate the opposing kingdom of Tahr Yeldor. The Djiin kept their end of the bargain. They burnt Tahr Yeldor to the ground and claimed
all the souls of the dead. The Djiin returned and told us the bargain had changed. They demanded the entire citadels souls as payment.
Yes you are right stranger, but these were desperate times and they called for desperate measures. The Djiin became ripping the souls from the living
bodies of our citadels population. We began the ritual to send the Djiin back to Hellspire. We succeeded in sending them back, but not before they
had claimed most of the citadels souls, only a handful of us remained. Those souls and a million others are now enslaved by Me'mon, Lord of the Djiin
We now see the folly of making deals with these Djiin and I wish to right this wrong. We can do nothing in this corporeal state. I would ask you
to help us friend.
Amazing! quick give it here so I might undo Me'mons evil forever. For your valiant effort I will disclose to you the forbidden knowledge of the Djiin
This is what remains of the once proud city of Tahr Volhkar. The city is in ruins and all its remaining denizens damned to this unlife.
Long ago when we still dwelt in the realm of the living the land was ravaged with war. To gain the upper hand against our enemy we struck a deal with
the Djiin. They destroyed our enemy but we were deceived they almost succeeded in taking all our souls before we sent them back to the void.
Only a handful of us remained. Over time Word spread through the land that our forces had been ravished. Before we new it armies were at our gates
seeking to conquer us. My Necromancer suggested we strike a bargain with a new devil rising to power in the void. Azazel the Fallen God.
I had no choice I ordered him to make a pact with Azazel. We were to sacrifice three virgin maids to him and he would send his general Astaroth
No, this time it was us at fault. We had no time to find virgins among the women, we sacrificed the first three maidens we could find. Because they
were not pure Azazel refused the sacrifice. Enraged he sent Astaroth the Tormentor to tear us apart and harvest our souls. we watched in horror as
he began tearing the skin from the bodies of our people with his massive hook. I ordered the Necromancer and his priests to send the monster back to
the void. Something went wrong our whole city was torn from its moorings and sent through void. The skinned victims of the Tormentor began to rise,
horrible and twisted no longer human. We fled and sealed Astaroth and the tormented in the Undercity where they still remain to this day
I will not lie to you the danger is great, but if you destroy Astaroth and the Tormented it would at least avenge my people somewhat and you will
of course be rewarded. Here, this will break the seal on the Undercity. I wish you luck!
A thousand thanks friend! You have more than earned your reward!
An Adventurer! praise the Heavens! Long ago when we still had flesh on our bones and before we came to this place I had a son. His name was Jaygan
Jaygan was a Knight of the Divine Order. Holy warriors dedicated to cleansing the world of the Undead. The most powerful of the undead at that time
was Erebos, the Lich Lord. Jaygan was part of an assault launched of the Lich Lords Tower. The 300 strong force however was no match for
Erebos. Each time the Lich Lord was cut down he arose again and again. Seeing that they could not defeat him the clerics of the order headed by
Jaygan banished him to Hellspire. Before he went through the portal he lunged forward with his bony claw and ripped Jaygans head from his shoulders
Now he uses his remains to eternally torture his soul. Kill Erebos and bring me Jaygans remains and I will teach you a little of what I know
The Lich Lord's Lair lies far to the east deep in the heart of the Sea of Bone
Words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you! I will take the remains and as promised I will tutor you in magic a little
As a matter of fact I do. I will tell you of Hades, the Black Shepard. When mortals who have turned away from the gods in life die Hades awaits them
in the beyond. He offers them a way back to the world of the living for a short time in exchange for their souls which, when the time comes are
harvested for Azazel by Asmodeus. Azazel does not have the power to turn mortals away from the gods, they must do that themselves willingly.
When they do Azazel must seize that moment to make them his forever. Hades lair lies to the East somewhere in the Sea of Bone.
If you would travel there and destroy Hades I will share some of my knowledge in the art of Smithing with you and give you some crafting materials
Excellent, no longer will mortals be swayed by his deals! Here is your reward as promised
I know of a legend that might interest you traveler. I speak of Chronos, the time bender. The legend goes that Chronos was created by the Aedra to
guard the gates of the Heavens against the Djiin. The Aedra created Chronos in the visage of a majestic dragon and infused the fires of Heaven into
his very being. When the Djiin were banished to the void Chronos no longer had any purpose and began to go insane. He became totally unhinged and
began laying waste to the Heavens. Chronos was banished to Hellspire. I have been to the cavern where he now lurks. All that remains of his once
proud form is bones. Chronos has an artifact of great power which might be of use to someone like you. He resides in the Ancient Cavern. Good Luck!


Sure, I have a task for you. Southwest of the Infernal Castle lies the Temple of Azazel. In the temple is an artifact crafted by Azazel himself.
The Orb of Dark Dreams. The Orb allows Azazel to whisper to mortals through their dreams and nightmares. He uses this power to assert his influence
in Tamriel. Bring me the orb so I may destroy it and I will reward you well. But beware, the orb is not unguarded
Marvelous! give it to me and take this for your efforts


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Hello! I have a small very modest home recording studio for my passion for songwriting.


I have a good quality microphone. I have never tried my hand at voice acting, but I think it would actually be a lot of fun to try.


I'm not guaranteeing I can produce quality results, (and if not feel free to tell me disregard my work!) but I'd certainly give it a good try.


Can you give me the jist of what mod this is for. I'm Particularly interested in MEMON. Seriously what a badass. hahaha. Can you give me some background on him othere than a badass shadow/fire demon. What's he look like?


Can you set the stage for me? Where is this altercation with the player taking place? Knowing the players dialouge would be benefitial aswell. Whose Lord Azazel, and The Fallen God?


Get back to me if you'd be interested me giving it a shot!

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Best thing I can do for you is give you two links:


1: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33664/?


Thats a link to the mods tells you about it and has some screenshots



2: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/231216/?


Thats a picture of a Djiin one of Memons servants. Memon is just a larger more powerful version


If you want to to do it would be great as Memon is the only demon I have no voice acting for. If you want to do any parts send me a PM for my email

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