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Moving meshes accurately?


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Following the bodyslide tutorial, this has become my first experience with blender.

I am stuck on a part where the tutorial tells me to quote: Enter edit mode (TAB key), select all the vertices (A key), and move them (G key) .25443 in the Y axis, and -.32879 in the Z axis to match the CBBE body mesh offset.



Now pressing TAB, A, and G is not an issue. The part after G is. I am supposed to move them to coords .25443 in the Y axis and -.32879 in the Z Axis, but pressing G makes me move the mesh around using the mouse, and there is no possible way you can achieve accurate numbers that way when you are moving the mesh all over the place with awkward camera angles to top it off.

I know you can press Z,X, and Y to move it only along those axis'es, but that still doesn't rid me of human error.


Is there a way I can simply type in the numbers and let the program do the work of moving the meshes accurately?

Edited by SiniVII
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Figured it out.



Turns out you just press G and then one of the axes (Z,X, Y) then proceed to press numbers, such as .34567

Edited by SiniVII
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