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SKSE Basic Issues


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Hi all,


I'm new to the Nexus and just getting to grips. Have downloaded a number of mods through Steam and found it easy but couldn't get SkyUI or Economics as they require SKSE so joined the Nexus. Downloaded the NMM and the Radiance mod which I suspect is working fine.


Now, I downloaded SKSE from http://skse.silverlock.org/ and saved it on my PC. I then added the file to NMM and activated. But, clearly I am doing something wrong as although showing in NMM it isn't coming up on the mod list for loading.


When I click on the downloaded file it obviously needs to be opened but with what...? I've no idea. Like I said this is dealing with 'basic issues'.


Effectively, I'd like help on how to get SKSE working.


Cheers all,



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