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What are the best Programs to use to begin Modifying Items such as Wea


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Hi, this is my first post. Just getting to learn how to use the nexus...

What I want to know, is What are the ideal programs I should download to best modify Skyrim?...


I am a complete beginner, and so, I am trying to understand the layout of ANYTHING. But I am determined. And I am going to learn if it kills me.


- I have nifskope. I believe this is essential so I have it.


- I have Corel paintshop pro2 (old I know) and know the basics of this program better than anything else. But I do not have the extraction tools for it, nor do I know how to install them :/


- I have GIMP2. And I can see that it is harder to navigate than paintshop! :( I don't like it.


- I have downloaded Fallout Mod manager (in order to extract the Skyrim .BSA files, yes?)..


I only know very little of this, (imagine you have just learned the first page of a French dictionary) and so, I have extremely little to go on as to what to do...or how to even proceed.


Can anyone suggest the best tools I should be using AT LEAST, as this will help to get me set up ready for learning, many thanks if you can help :)

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Hello there, and welcome!


It depends what you plan to do really. Your thread title got cut off but I assume it is supposed to say "Weapons"?


I can't help you when it comes to 3D model making/editing, but here is the advice I can offer...


You don't need any of those fancy DDS converters (DDS is the texture file format), just download the appropriate DDS plugin for your chosen image editing software and you can work with DDS files directly. GIMP is a very powerful tool but definitely confusing at first. Stick with it and you will learn to love it. Also download the normal map plugin for GIMP if you do decide to use it. I swear by it! My last tip in this area is to not compress your textures as it will destroy the quality. Unless you have a weak graphics card and performance is your concern, of course.


Audacity if you wish to edit/create sounds. Another program I swear by!


Skyrim Creation Kit for actually putting your work in-game. Learning to use this is beyond the scope of a forum post, so look up the tutorials on the CK Wiki :)


Remember to make backups VERY often. The Creation Kit just loves to eat mods and spit out corrupted mess. No joke... It did it to me this morning in fact!


Hope this helps, and good luck!

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