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Can't get Weightless Crafting Item mod to work


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Hey guys, fairly new to modding so please forgive any Layman-itis.


I've found vanilla Skyrim to get real tedious when it came to inventory limit and crafting item weights, so I decided to mod that out.


I can't seem to get any mods that change crafting items weight to 0 to work, however.


Mod in Question:Weightless Items http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1622/?


I'm running SkyRE and Immersive Weapons/Armor, which is my guess for the conflict. Weightless items says it's not compatable with other mods that change items, which I think SkyRE does.

If this is the case, does anyone know how I could go about changing the ore/dragonbone weights to 0 in my game? Potions would be nice too but that may be a whole new cup of worms.

thanks for the help guys! if i'm not giving complete info or anything like that, just lemme know.


Edit: Weightless Item mod is lowest in my load order, still nothing.

Edited by asterixlee
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