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Quests, dialogue, speech and so forth...


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You're an eternal help - I had done some rooting around and found a post by Qzilla on the Beth forums stating that the voice files needed to be extracted to be used in new dialogue, but he didn't mention that it needed to be in a folder with the same name as the mod; I extracted my Voices.bsa and couldn't figure out why I was still unable to edit the Voice Filename field. Thanks!


The unique GREETING did indeed displace the generic Brotherhood GREETING set, so that's one problem down. :) I don't know enough about NPC classes (the GECK wiki simply states that class determines tag skills and stats) to mess around with them at this point in time.


As for the dialogue itself, the rundown is as so:


I created a new quest (CourtyardBrowningDialogue) as my NPC's name is Browning, then tried two approaches - I added a custom GREETING topic ("Yes?") with the result script "addtopic BrowningRepair" (and also tried adding it via the Add Topic box); that didn't work, so I tried simply adding the BrowningRepair topic into the dialogue tree (which is only possible, apparently, if it's added before the GREETING, as whenever I add a GREETING first I am unable to add any other topics to the list) with the result script "showRepairMenu" and that didn't work either, whether checked as top-level and set at a higher priority than the GREETING or not. I'm not sure what I might be doing wrong. And yes, the only condition I have set is GetIsID == NPCid 1.

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Here you go:




Qzilla's is the second response.


Now I'm confused, though: using the method Lingwei described everything works - at least as far as the voiceovers, I haven't tried again with the repair topic yet - but I'm assuming that the custom filename (in my case, it's generated as CourtyardD_GREETING_00017D5A_1) means that I'll have to include that file, within that folder structure, with my mod. Qzilla's reply states that there's a way to use the default filenames and thus avoid needing to include any MP3s with the mod distributable, but doesn't really say how: what it its "proper place"? How do I "select it" in the editor?


I don't really understand his post.

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I can't completely get into helping you with your problem as my GECK crashes whenever I try to play too deeply with dialogue, but I hope what I have learned just by poking at it while trying to learn how it works will help.


On the subject of adding topics, you can add create all ones to the list by right clicking, selecting "Add Topic" and then right clicking on the new form that pops up and choosing New there. I did this, typed "Tacos" into the blank box that appeared at the bottom of the list (I wanted to talk about tacos, all right?). Then when when double clicking on this new topic, it adds it to the list.


Then, near as I can figure, you use your unique Greeting with a GetIsID of your NPC to give it to them, and right click on Choices and add your new topic (So now Machete in Canterbury Commons has the ability to discuss CCFirstMeeting1A, CCFirstMeeting1A, CCFirstMeeting1A, and Tacos.


Then, in your new topic, make sure to put your response in the Info Prompt of a given response, oh, and to make the responses check for the GetIsID of your NPC.


Rinse and Repeat until there's a conversation.


Y'know, unless not, as I can't actually try it (DAMN YOU MICROSOFT VISTA AND/OR THE GECK!!!!), but that's how it looks from an outside observor. If you already knew all this and/or it doesn't work... uh, just ignore me and move along!



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Yeah, the only consistent crashing behavior my GECK has displayed has been messing around with dialogue.


I know how to create new topics, but trying to add them to the topics list in the quest window simply doesn't work if there's already a GREETING added - the selection window just closes without the topic having been added to the list. I have no idea whether this is buggy behavior or intended (so that new topics can only be added by script off of the GREETING).


Sorry for your trouble with Vista; I've stuck with XP all these long years and I'm hoping against hope that Windows 7 will be something other than Vista Lite.

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Oh God.


I didn't realize there was an "offer services" checkbox for the AI packages; I assumed that was simply handled by dialogue. I checked it on my NPC's sandbox package (currently the only package loaded) and lo and behold, the repair topic and menu now show up.


I unchecked Top Level on my GREETING topic and it no longer shows up in dialogue options.


...oh God.


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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I never got a reply from Q. :S


Glad to hear you somewhat figured it out. The GECK still crashes when I try to do dialogue, but if I am careful and save a lot than I can get some dialogue to work.


Check out this







I can not seem to get my NPC to give notes to people. I want poeple to be able to buy notes/ad's/prewar magazine. :S



good luck.



Oh God.


I didn't realize there was an "offer services" checkbox for the AI packages; I assumed that was simply handled by dialogue. I checked it on my NPC's sandbox package (currently the only package loaded) and lo and behold, the repair topic and menu now show up.


I unchecked Top Level on my GREETING topic and it no longer shows up in dialogue options.


...oh God.


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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