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Weird effect in foliage after doing some tweaks


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I've been messing with my video settings and the .ini files after reinstalling Skyrim, and I've added a distracting shadowing effect to all of the foliage in the game. It seems to be within the actual plant, not on the ground. When I am moving, the effect creates this weird blur, or vibration look to every bit of grass or any tree around me.


I can't really give more of a description than that, but I'm sure it's something I tweaked that did it. Last time I was doing this, I hadn't noticed it, then I did the tweaks, and it was noticeable. It's just too distracting.


If anyone has an idea of what I'm talking about and can give me some info, I'd appreciate it.

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in the object manger in the ck if it has one, find the item in question and see if you can increase it's dimensional size? 1 click in increase and save the esp there, load it last and see if the bug goes away. some objects will have these things greyed out, if so, name the objects in question. I deal with fallout3, I have given advice on the ck use in general and it should be similar to the geck. It's a tiny edit and should compensate for the tweaked item, the object manager is the source, the root of the main games stuff, the cell manager is for individual placement and adjustments, you need to use the root only.

Best I can offer.



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I don't know if that's a feasible solution...like I said, it affects every bit of foliage in the game. A good word to describe it would be "shimmering". The shadows make it look like grass is shimmering when I'm moving.


It might be something like ambient occlusion, so I'll try turning that off, but while I've got a topic asking questions about tweaks, here's another one - I keep finding different numbers all over the place for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes. Some say the max is this, some say it's this, some say you shouldn't go over this, some say you shouldn't go over that...it's crazy.


And most of those aren't recent information. I'm sure by now, we have a good understanding of the game and how it works with the patches. What value should I set for 8GB of RAM?


Edit: Okay, it had to have been ambient occlusion. I turned it off and grass wasn't making my eyes feel like they were vibrating in my skull anymore. I'm even more sure because there was a spot in the area I was testing it that had some crazy shadow glitch going on when I looked at it from a certain angle, and it was gone too. So I guess...don't use ambient occlusion from the NVIDIA control panel in Skyrim.


Let's change the topic to what MaxAllocatedMemoryBytes should be.

Edited by Shotokanguy
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here's another one - I keep finding different numbers all over the place for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes. Some say the max is this, some say it's this, some say you shouldn't go over this, some say you shouldn't go over that...it's crazy.


Let's change the topic to what MaxAllocatedMemoryBytes should be.

That deals with Papyrus settings and ini tweaks (ENB) things and is hardware specific, Engine handles it and should not be altered, the online steam patches control that randomly thru papyrus scheduling, some ares in the game require more power to render some things than others so it needs to be dynamic.

If you mess with it or install something that messes with it, then you will run into problems. Some mods contain scripts that touch these settings too, those mods cause the game to crash. what ever the games engine decides is what should be left to control it. your equipment may not have the right data to understand what it is or there is something telling it to do things it should not.


yes, crazy, the Google search does in fact show many have this issue and it is all over the place because, not every one has the same machine.

Go online into the steam forums and graze the other platforms subject posts on this point, you may find little in there as that is a world wide same device piece of equipment that never alters it's hardware, so, no bugs are there. you get pro's and cons for all choices we make,


Steam forums is the best bet to Isolate the bug if it is a bug or your ram type may not be what you need. I have a set of OCZ chips I use when I need to do really heavy graphics work, I switch them out for normal stuff. too expensive to just wear out.


you need to post a full dx log of your stuff in a spoiler tag txt file so we can see what is what.



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