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Living prisoners mod?


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I finally (FINALLY!) had an idea for a mod that might actually be worth sharing with the world. How about a mod that makes some of the prisoners you come across in Falmer caves or Necromancer dungeons or whatever, actually still be alive? Then you could rescue them, and maybe they'd reward you, or offer their services as a follower, or tell you where a treasure is hidden, or something.


(There is that world interaction encounter where you can save the peddler from the bandits, so he OH so generously offers to TRADE with you. Gee, thanks. Do I at least get a discount?)


Would anyone be interested in such a mod? Does such a mod already exist?



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I haven't heard of such a mod, any mod that adds more "life" to skyrim is, in my opinion, a good idea. [+1Vote]

P.S. I have never scripted NPC quests like this, but I imagine it would be a big undertaking. Obviously whether your mod is recieved well or not will depend on how interactive and immersive these followers will be. A follower NPC with no personality does not add much, but a fully voice acted follower that has opinions and leads you on quests (treasure finding or whatever) would be great! Also, I've considered making a follower NPC myself, and thought it might be interesting to give them opinions on some of the more popular vanilla quest (i.e. "I can't believe this random cave contains such a powerful spirit", or "I'm glad we're fighting with the stormcloaks on this one, the other guards in skyrim can't seem to protect their knees"). Just ideas.

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