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Lighting Mods info


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I'am trying to find some advice on a lighting mod that hopefully will work for me . I'am currently using project reality : climates of tamriel and so far I like what it does with the outside world and making the nights darker and more realistic. For indoors I tried 2 mods, Enhance lighting and FX and realistic Lighting overhaul. I like the enhance lighting and FX better then the realistic lighting overhaul except least to me it doesn't make dungeons dark enough. Like how it adds candles and light sources to interiors and how those sources put out light ie. flames flickering and shadows. Seems to make lighting a bit more realistic to me. Comparing that to Realistic Lighting overhaul , I like how it makes dungeons darker and makes it so I pretty much need a torch to get around which made it darker then climates of tamriel on its hardcore option. But I don't like how realistic lighting handles lights from torches and campfires , and for some reason something about the colors just don't look right. Any Advice on either getting them to work together or other lighting mods that may fit what i'am looking for.


Thanks for any advice.

Edited by accathla
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Also interested in getting Enhanced Light and FX and Realistic Lighting Overhaul working together.
I saw one of Gopher's vids on youtube where he reviewed Pure Waters, and at the same time he covered his graphics settings. He said he used both Realistic Lighting Overhaul together with Enhanced Light and FX.

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