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Getting NPCs to use VoiceType regardless of faction?

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So, I've created my NPCs, which are synths, duplicated 4 voicetypes (BoSFemale01, BoSFemale02, GunnersFemale01, and RaiderFemale01; each with "Synth_" suffix), and generated my audio (LIP and FUZ included). Now I'm trying to get my NPCs to use these voicetypes.


Here's what I've done so far...

*Applied the VoiceType changes to the respective NPCs

*Changed AIData, AIPackage, and Keyword to each factions female templates (yes, I made female synths. get over it)

*The audio I started off with is vanilla. I just threw in a bitcrusher and tremolo/vibrato to sound as close to vanilla synths as I could. So, I didn't make any new lip files since my durations never changed. Although, regenerating LIPs might be the thing to do??



However, these NPCs now have no dialogue (nothing, no combat lines, general line... nada). The audio is there for the engine to use but they aren't using it.


I am at a loss RN. Aside from regenerating my LIPs, I don't even know what to try next.


Could anyone point me in the right direction?? I'd greatly appreciate your help and would include your handle on my mod page as I have done in the past for situations such as this.

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Enable subtitles to see if/what infos are actually triggering if any.

If no, check the dialogue quest Topic Info conditions are right for your new GetIsID actors and/or Voicetypes.


If yes but no audio, check the Topic Info Response voice file paths exist (usually data\sound\voice\modname.esp\voicename) and have the named FUZ files.


If yes but still no audio, create a BA2 archive for the ESP with the new FUZ files, sometimes it only plays FUZ from BA2 not loose even with loose files enabled.


If the creation kit is not automtically finding your FUZ files to add to the BA2 archve, start again.

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Look in the topic infos to see the full folder/filename that the CreationKit is looking for.


There may be a way to repath, dunno never looked becuase the art of getting thing to work is to keep 'em simple before getting clever.

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