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HELP!? Skyrim Weird Checkered Pattern


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Hey guys,

Since i installed skyrim on my computer (without mods) i have been experiencing this weird checkered pattern : http://imgur.com/EV2Osky . It appears normally on stuff like water, steam and fog (for example the fog that is on the mountains that you can see from white run). Occasionally it can be seen elsewhere ( For example in dragons reach). Normally i encounter this checkered pattern in cites and towns. I tried installing ENB and the ENB particle to see if that made a difference which it didn't. I also tried following all the solutions on this thread http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1159, without success (which included editing the skyrimprefs.ini and ENB). So does anyone have any other solutions.


This bug is really annoying and i would be grateful to anyone who could fix it.


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So you have this issue on vanilla skyrim - no mods at all? Legal version?

Make sure your Skyrim is up to date ( version: )
Make sure your GFX card drivers are up to date
Make sure your DirectX is up to date
Make sure your Skyrim INI files are correct | iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3 - if 3 does nothing then do 5 ( located in My Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim --- not the ones in your Skyrim installation directory! )

Edited by prod80
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Stick with default ini settings until after the problem has been identified. Making changes in the default ini can fix a very few problems, but none like this one that I have seen. Your vanilla game should not show these at all, and if it does there is a problem that mods or ini settings cannot fix.


This looks like a video card problem - a form of problem called video artifacts (stuff in the image that should not be there) Often these show as weird colors, stretched things or a flickering. Be sure you have the proper drivers for your card. Sometimes a new version of a driver has a bug, if you suspect that (others with the same card will be reporting it as well) then roll back to a previous driver.


For a first attempt at a simple fix, try reseating your video card - power fully off, unplug the computer. Remove the video card from its plug, and plug it back in several times making sure it is fully seated all the way down each time.


If it does not appear until after you have been playing for a while, then it could be overheating. While you have the video card removed for reseating, check for a dust bunny infestation in the fan and air channels. Clean the air channels with a q-tip and the fan with a stiff 1/2 inch painters brush. (or, a technicians camel hair brush) and blow them out with canned (or low pressure compressed) air. Then make sure the fan runs when you power back up.

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Ok thanks for the help. One thing i should of mentioned is that I'm using bootcamp, (so i have a AMD Radeon HD graphics card) so that may be the problem. But i know other people that play skyrim using bootcamp with a mac without this problem... I have also tried updating my driver but i saw somewhere that its impossible to update them unless you delve into the complicated realms of doing stuff that apple doesn't want to do and that the only way you can update an apple one is by using system updates.

Also i have a legal copy purchased from steam and i don't know how to dissect an iMac. :P


EDIT: Thanks Prod, moving up to from 3 to 5 made it much less noticeable, however, it is still there (i haven't seen it anywhere else so far but it is very clear in water). Will moving iBlurDeferredShadowMask higher make a difference. What does iBlurDeferredShadowMask do? I guess Dovahkiin will just have to give up the luxury of swimming... but he was never much of a swimmer anyway so he should be fine :)

Edited by BugMeHarder
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