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What factors cause CTD in the game?


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prod80, on 06 May 2013 - 16:45, said:


FillipeMattos, on 06 May 2013 - 15:49, said:

1- Should I opt for FXAA or the anti-aliasing setting itself of Nvidia (replacing the antialiasing of the game)?

2- What type of antialiasing that weighs more, and the type that weighs less?

3- Where down the SMAA injector [ SweetFX ] ? It is very light antialiasing? Do not let the image blurry? I like to see the details of the faces of the female NPCs I created.

4- Is there something lighter than the anisotropic and gives the same result or even better?

1. Use game AA/FXAA if you wanna use that, tho some people have been reporting that NV driver FXAA is better

2. The lightest is (I think) Edge AA... I use both Edge AA and SMAA (ENB + SweetFX)

3. SMAA Injector comes with certain ENB mods (if you want a hassle free pre-configured setting - mostly better). See Project ENB - Cinematic preset for instance

4. Don't think so

prod80, on 06 May 2013 - 16:45, said:


FillipeMattos, on 06 May 2013 - 15:49, said:

1- Should I opt for FXAA or the anti-aliasing setting itself of Nvidia (replacing the antialiasing of the game)?

2- What type of antialiasing that weighs more, and the type that weighs less?

3- Where down the SMAA injector [ SweetFX ] ? It is very light antialiasing? Do not let the image blurry? I like to see the details of the faces of the female NPCs I created.

4- Is there something lighter than the anisotropic and gives the same result or even better?

1. Use game AA/FXAA if you wanna use that, tho some people have been reporting that NV driver FXAA is better

2. The lightest is (I think) Edge AA... I use both Edge AA and SMAA (ENB + SweetFX)

3. SMAA Injector comes with certain ENB mods (if you want a hassle free pre-configured setting - mostly better). See Project ENB - Cinematic preset for instance

4. Don't think so



Are you referring to this mod here?




If yes, how can I configure this mod for the image within the game stay not quite blurry? I like to see the detail of the faces and landscape in general.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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try this; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20781/?

use preset Cinematic

Once installed.... open the enbseries.ini which should be in your skyrim directory and change these;



make sure you read the mod page for all instructions, you have to download certain files (ENB binary) from another website. Make sure you pick the RIGHT one and not the NEWEST one. The mod page says which one is compatible. It also has other requirements and - it's not an install and done kinda thing. You probably have to change settings afterwards yourself.

Cinematic has sharpening filter, Edge AA, SMAA.

It does cost FPS a bit (around 10%) but you can disable (actually you must disable or it doesn't work) FXAA and AA in Skyrim and your graphics drivers. You also have to disable Ambient Occlusion in your graphics drivers if that is enabled.

If you don't like you can simply remove the installed files.

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1 - It is compatible with climates tarmiel?
2 - Lighter than antialiasing and has the same effect?
3 - It is compatible with Skyrim Project Optimization?
4 - It is compatible with Static Meshe Improvement ....?
5 - It is compatible with Enhanced Light Sand FX?
6- It is compatible with most dynamic shadows?

Edited by FillipeMattos
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you have lots of questions...


if you read that ENB page you read that it's specifically compatible with Enhanced Lights and FX + Climates of Tamriel....


Read the mod page please...



I do not know if your PC can handle... depends on many things... try it out, if too heavy just remove it again...


Follow installation instructions carefully (from mod's page)

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Which of these should I install first?


There are dozens of options for downloading.


Should I download all at once?


There is a correct sequence for does not conflict?




Project ENB Final Edition for Climates Of Tamriel v3_1


Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB UPDATED


Project ENB Data folder for Climates Of Tamriel UPDATE 2


Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB WATER compatibility


Depth of Field options UPDATE 3


More Dynamic Shadows and Striping Fixed


Optional Palettes v1_9 307


SweetFX Injector - custom mix for realistic preset



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