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companionhousekeepingscript.pex issue?


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i came across this once with the vampirescript.pex and there was a fix for it available but i can't seem to find a fix for this one....anywhere i find companionhousekeepingscript.pex related discussions people keep saying LOAD ORDER LOAD ORDER but i'm telling you now....i've used both BOSS and BUM and still this issue comes up. is there a fix for this available that i'm not seeing?

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Do you have any custom races? The advice I found was:


Racial Compatibility v1.7

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10165 which is bundled with some races uses


- CompanionHouseKeepingScript.pex

- PlayerVampireQuestScript.pex

- PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex


Other races use Race Compatibility - Compatibility with Other Mods Improved v1.5

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24898 uses


- GenericRaceController.pex

- yarc_initquestscript.pex

- yarc_playeraliasscript.pex


The advice I got was if you get an error on CompanionHouseKeepingScript.pex, and have GenericRaceController.pex in the /Data/Scripts folder, just delete the campanion one.


No problems so far, but I haven't tried out the vampires or werewolfs yet. Just passsing on what I read.


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ok so i have both genericracecontroller.pex and companionhousekeeping.pex just delete the companion one? even though i use UFO? or does UFO have nothing to do with that?

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thanks for the help things seemed to have been fixed regarding that issue but now im having another issue. and i've come across this issue before but i wasn't quite sure what caused it.


when i load up a save my character becomes headless with her body stiff and unable to move with the screen itself fading between visible to black repeatedly and fast. i can't remember what causes this issue but any idea? ;w;

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