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Dragonborn - No dragon after learning the new word...


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i'm doing the Dragonborn quest, and when i come in the aera where i can learn the word of power, i meet 4 or 5 monsters, i kill them all, after i learn the word, no problem, but after, nothing, no dragon, and nothing to do, i can't go back, i can't go out...


Somebody had this problem ??


Because i can't do anything...


I use a french skyrim, with many mod, skse, boss, wrye bash... I just restarted the game, i'm level 11 or 13, no bug... Only that...


Bain Packages:




++ 001 - DarkBrotherhoodAmulet-7204-1.7z (EA9A5673) (Installed)

++ 002 - Ring and Spell of Life Sensing - 1.3.7z (EC593E82) (Installed)

++ 003 - Ring_of_Himalayan_Hauling-8520-1-0.rar (FA12CC04) (Installed)

++ 004 - Rings_of_Sanguinare_Vampiris_1_3-6078-1-3.rar (39567980) (Installed)

005 - ==ARTISANAT==

++ 006 - Lost Art of the Blacksmith-1020-1-45.zip (773C178D) (Installed)

++ 007 - pack_de_recettes.7z (E54D6C94) (Installed)

++ 008 - Parchemins_craftables_V1_3-13105-1-3.7z (C55E3241) (Installed)

++ 009 - Smithing_Perks_Overhaul_1-11_FR-11350-1-11.7z (39A7735F) (Installed)

010 - ==EQUIPEMENT==

++ 011 - armes_de_malo.7z (351898A5) (Installed)

++ 012 - Boots_of_Nimble_Speed_-_FRENCH-10701-1.rar (85873FEB) (Installed)

++ 013 - Cloaks of Skyrim version 0_8-14793-0-8.rar (05F86A22) (Installed)

++ 014 - Death Dealer Miguel version-18077-2-0.rar (09441502) (Installed)

++ 015 - demonocus-assassingearV5-12526-5.zip (47F7FEFB) (Installed)

++ 016 - Dwemer Exoskeleton v5 --Requires SKSE---19212-5-0.7z (6C73DBC2) (Installed)

++ 017 - Immersive Armors v6 - FRENCH-21577-6.rar (29F77A51) (Installed)

++ 018 - Immersive Weapons-27644-1-4.7z (BD14D398) (Installed)

++ 019 - JaySuS Swords V13D FRENCH FULL-6564-v13D.rar (E31530F3) (Installed)

++ 020 - Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood-9752-2-1.rar (55FF2471) (Installed)

++ 021 - Moar_Kontent_8_2-9700-8-2.rar (50851D00) (Installed)

++ 022 - pack_de_dagues.7z (FA074471) (Installed)

023 - ==INTERFACE==

++ 024 - A_Quality_World_Map_Installer-4929.7z (7BB8F003) (Installed)

++ 025 - CategorizedFavoritesMenu v0_1_18-4862-0-1-17.zip (17AE1987) (Installed)

++ 026 - cartographers_map_markers_-_VF.7z (2EBF5850) (Installed)

++ 027 - Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks- Standard Tweaks-88-3-2.zip (93715B64) (Installed)

++ 028 - MAQ Marqueur-Alerte de Quetes SPOIL-25071-1-0.rar (BF3CBCB9) (Installed)

++ 029 - marqueurs_de_carte_pour_les_maisons_du_joueur.7z (3F358B71) (Installed)

++ 030 - NACMIM - Colored Holds - Compass quest markers and Holds-26822-1-4.zip (49A047C3) (Installed)

++ 031 - noboringsleepwaitmenu-12625-1-4.7z (BA803B0F) (Installed)

++ 032 - Pearlish_cursor_alternative-2317.rar (93A35BF6) (Installed)

++ 033 - SkyUI_3_4-3863-3-4.7z (A01EE009) (Installed)

034 - ==LIEUX==

++ 035 - Amethyst Hollows - V1-5-18575-1-5.7z (7E09BE37) (Installed)

++ 036 - Expanded Winterhold Ruins v2_19-8333-2-19.zip (322210DD) (Installed)

++ 037 - la_cabane_du_chasseur.7z (BF9655D6) (Installed)

++ 038 - Levelers_Tower_V22-14152-2-2.7z (16BA9C47) (Installed)

++ 039 - Oblivion Gates v3 Skyrim and Dawnguard DLC-22369-3-0.zip (54DFD0A1) (Installed)

++ 040 - Pinewoods Cottage1_0bFixed-10370-1-0bFixed.7z (AE4EC2CF) (Installed)

++ 041 - Solitude A City Of Trade ESM-22821-1-7.rar (FA9B0894) (Installed)

++ 042 - Spend_Dragon_Souis_For_Perks_FRENCH-13596-V1-5.rar (EC6A7C30) (Installed)

++ 043 - The_Merchants_Guild-18023-1.rar (A3036D89) (Installed)

044 - ==MAGIE==

++ 045 - Apocalypse_v110-16225-1-10.zip (5D240A23) (Installed)

++ 046 - ConstantEffectRings_12-30557-1-2.zip (BFBBBCC3) (Installed)

++ 047 - DetectLife detects more 2-22462-1-2.zip (6EBFD5D5) (Installed)

++ 048 - MidasSkyrim_008a-3413-0-08a.zip (2E56FE54) (Installed)

++ 049 - Necromimesis_french_version-11974-1-04a.rar (FF2C54A5) (Installed)

++ 050 - Phenderix Magic Evolved Cleaned Cheat Version-5898-4-10.zip (64681460) (Installed)

++ 051 - sort_de_vision_nocturne.7z (370BA25A) (Installed)

++ 052 - Sorts_de_marque_et_rappel-11763-4.7z (D3DA3AA0) (Installed)

053 - ==OVERHIDE==

++ 054 - 00 Dual Wield Parrying SKSE 2_52-9247-2-52.zip (F422E040) (Installed)

++ 055 - 1_Pound-818-ck1-1.rar (49F19FE2) (Installed)

++ 056 - ajustement_du_temps_des_cris.7z (E2B02542) (Installed)

++ 057 - ASIS Patcher 1-34-3-18436-1-34-3.7z (8EF10676) (Installed)

++ 058 - Console_Books_v17-10627-1-7.zip (2C908DCC) (Installed)

++ 059 - Deadly Combat 3_8700-5485-3-87.zip (CE97E5DE) (Installed)

++ 060 - Deadly Dragons package v6-3-5-3829-6-3-5.7z (D5E36AFF) (Installed)

++ 061 - Dodge Mod Version 1_22-29258-1-22.zip (AE2E610C) (Installed)

++ 062 - Fast Respawns And Rich Merchants-15574-1-1.7z (A9140C65) (Installed)

++ 063 - Faster_Arrows_v1_01-1009-1-01.rar (72733B28) (Installed)

++ 064 - Faster Mining-9465-0-1.zip (B1607D47) (Installed)

++ 065 - Glowing_Ore_Veins_300_2_00-193-1.rar (9A99E91D) (Installed)

++ 066 - HigherJumping-164-1.zip (3BAB1463) (Installed)

++ 067 - HM Vampire Stones  1-001-10276-1-001.7z (C5DEFBD8) (Installed)

++ 068 - No_Kill_Moves_v1_11-33-1-11.7z (E5E9733D) (Installed)

++ 069 - Scale Tipper-15958-1-11.7z (87BE2666) (Installed)

++ 070 - SPERG v3-24445-3-0 & Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_14_3_0 BETA-1175-1-14-3-0.7z (46F16872) (Installed)

++ 071 - Tenth-798-ck1-1.rar (56AF6895) (Installed)

++ 072 - Tenth_Pound-719-ck1-1.rar (890CB655) (Installed)

++ 073 - UAR-12-26834-1-2.7z (0CD10C5D) (Installed)

++ 074 - Unique_Region_Names_2_1_-_FRENCH_TRANSLATION-15145.rar (F8AA1FFE) (Installed)

++ 075 - Weightless Ores Ingots Firewood and Coal Better Sorting v2_0-10481.rar (584FCE72) (Installed)

076 - ==PATCH==

++ 077 - correctif_des_ombres.7z (D42FAFAB) (Installed)

++ 078 - correctif_pour_les_prisonniers_escortes.7z (6DED780D) (Installed)

++ 079 - PNODB.7z (4AE8B0F4) (Installed)

++ 080 - PNODG.7z (22BA8BF2) (Installed)

++ 081 - PNOHF.7z (4C3A3F11) (Installed)

++ 082 - PNOHRTP.7z (39C1A692) (Installed)

++ 083 - PNOS.7z (2A74E105) (Installed)

++ 084 - SLFC-409-1-1.zip (12F9C5D0) (Installed)

086 - ==QUETE==

089 - ==TEXTURE==

++ 090 - 1_Pure Waters 4-4 Main-1111-4-4.rar (09CE9122) (Installed)

++ 091 - Better Dynamic Snow v2-13-10383-2-13.7z (EB6AC58E) (Installed)

++ 092 - DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field v 2_2-12525-2-2.rar (EF590408) (Installed)

++ 093 - Enhanced Blood Textures 3_0c-60-3-0c.rar (8F444141) (Installed)

++ 094 - Enhanced Lights and FX-27043-0-1-7 with SMIM.7z (A585CEFA) (Installed)

++ 095 - HD_Dragon_Urns-3483-1-0.zip (A5DEA986) (Installed)

++ 096 - HD_Ore_And_Ingots_with_manager-9912-1-0.7z (D1C2AEA7) (Installed)

++ 097 - HDSacks14TypeBBig-2836-1-4.zip (C577CA19) (Installed)

++ 098 - IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device v1c-13049.7z (FF6A4E5B) (Installed)

++ 099 - Immersive_Skyrim_Thunder_V5-1702-V5.rar (8C28A729) (Installed)

++ 100 - No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50-30-1-5.7z (013CB317) (Installed)

++ 101 - Nude_Females_v1-5-70-1-5.7z (27B4C4D5) (Installed)

++ 102 - Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version-29253-1-2.rar (055F222E) (Installed)

++ 103 - ROOTS_Dungeon_Overgrowth_Texture_Replacer-2192-1-0.7z (07F1E100) (Installed)

++ 104 - Skyrim_HD_v1_6_LITE_-_Riften-607-1-6.7z (DCE712E1) (Installed)

++ 105 - Skyrim_HD_v1_5_LITE_-_Dungeons-607.7z (B5CE185E) (Installed)

++ 106 - Skyrim_HD_v1_5_LITE_-_Landscape-607.7z (794F9737) (Installed)

++ 107 - Skyrim_HD_v1_5_LITE_-_Misc-607.7z (BA401D03) (Installed)

++ 108 - Skyrim_HD_v1_5_LITE_-_Towns-607.7z (B6B3E05E) (Installed)

++ 109 - SMIM v1-43-8655-1-43.7z (DE4AB271) (Installed)

++ 110 - Underwear_-_Default-2488-2-3-2.rar (189B50D8) (Installed)

++ 111 - URWL Skyrim V2B-13531.rar (BF26FEC1) (Installed)

++ 112 - Vibrant_Auroras-6675.7z (CE0AC21A) (Installed)

++ 113 - Weapon_Retexture_Project-1754-1.7z (3C2B93C0) (Installed)

++ 114 - Wrye_Bash_Pack_Med_Res-3621-1-7.7z (30362154) (Installed)

115 - ==NEW==

++ 116 - attaques_magiques_discretes.7z (5DAE9ED7) (Installed)

++ 118 - bouteilles_destructibles.7z (D0C4A9DD) (Installed)

++ 119 - de_meilleurs_enchantements.7z (724881BF) (Installed)

121 - ==Last==




If somebody can help me, i would like to finish this quest...


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