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Scripting Woes


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Guess I wasn't as done as I thought I was. GECK guide isn't helping me too much with what I'm looking for, either that or I'm not asking the right questions to the search box. Either way, I need to setup a conversation between two NPCs that halts all movement of the player so they must watch it until the fight initiates. That was one thing, but the other is once the first quest is completed I want the second to activate. Not directly after though, I setup a trigger within the companion's home to activate the second quest but I'm missing the command to make it trigger only if the first quest has been completed.


There's other things too like setting various variables to make certain conversations pop up. I tried simply using "Caesar killed" as a condition for Jocelyn to mention it in one of her random topics but no dice. Same thing with meeting house. Do I need to do a script for that or am I setting the values and stuff wrong for the conversation

scn KJocelynparadiseTrigs5

begin OnTriggerEnter
     if (I take it I need to put something here)
	KIDJOCELYNREF.Startconversation Player Startparadisequest04

Edited by TziporaHalevi
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