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Bugged Cell?


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Hey all! At the moment I am unable to enter the Temple of the Divines without my game freezing (audio still works). Strangely enough, I have a save from the back of the temple, and it loads fine, but it slows and ultimately freezes as I get closer to the stairs in the front. I have done extensive and messy modding, but it still froze when I disabled all of the mods. I uninstalled/reinstalled and it still freezes at the same spot.

Upon looking into this, the freezing sounds like a VRAM error. So it goes, my computer kinda sucks (5ish year old Dell pos, windows7), and I've been looking into Enboost and soforth (but I'm having a little trouble figuring it out). Here's the weird part; the same spot freezes when I pull up the cell in Creation Kit and crashes it. Is that also characteristic of a VRAM error? Or is something in the cell bugged? Is there a way to fix this?

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I downloaded it, and I believe got it to work (skse and soforth is the part of modding I'm most recent to, so not 100% sure that I even have it active), but the problem still persists. I do think, however, you are correct that it's the lightning in a very specific part of the cell. I'm continuing to chip away at the indirect bits, the lighting blocks themselves, and I don't know yet if I'll figure this out. It might just be the computer that has me at this impass. Thank you again for pointing me in, what I believe to be, is the right direction!

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