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Fallout 3 not responding after launch?

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Yeah, so I added quite a few mods to increase my game experience since i have played NV on xbox, was looking for something more,so this is my mod load order and my Fallout 3 doesn't respond with this load order, so I need some help with revisions...:




FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
20th Century Weapons.esm
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Mothership Crew.esm
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp
WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp
WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp
WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp
WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp
WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp
WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp
EVE - FWE Master Release.esp
EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp
EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp
EVE Operation Anchorage.esp
EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_40RC_18668.esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn v1_40RC-18668-ALIVE (TEST Container).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn V1_40RC-18668-ALIVE(SuperMutant).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn v1_40RC-18668-ALIVE(Chinese Ghoul).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp
Total active plugins: 74
Total plugins: 74
Thanks in advance.


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NinjaKidXD09 - Hello!

Do you mean you're crashing before reaching the main menu?

Crash on startup of modded Fallout 3 is almost always due to a missing master, in other words you're using an .esp without another file that it needs.

In your mod manager you can left click on each of the plugins & their Masters will be listed at the bottom.

You must have all the masters listed or else using that plugin will crash the game on start up.

A verey common mistake is to use a patch for a mod you do not have.

If you still can't track down the cause, turn off your mods one at a time checking between each to see when the game stops crashing on startup. That way you can find the culprit & check it's documentation for it's requirements.

There are a few other things I've spotted in your load order, you've got a few too many MMM plugins:

Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Those are all built into the Foip FWE/MMM patch that you have, Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp, so you don't need them & should untick & delete.

You only need one OR the other of these not Both:

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp


FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp

Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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Umm, no i don't mean it crashes on startup. It starts up fine, but during the intro screen, it takes a while to switch the slides, and upon the start of the menu, the menu doesnt appear, stuck on picture of power armor on menu screen. I Open task manager and FO3 stops responding. Thats it.

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