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The Darkness


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The Darkness


concept: the player will discover why he awoke in prison, and will find that he is the son of Sithis, the spawn of an unholy union between the Dark Lord and the Night Mother.

You will enter a world of darkness, meet the Dark Lord himself, discover powerful new abilities, face foes found only in one's nightmares, and who knows...maybe there's a way to restrian Sithus and demand the title of Dark Lord for your self!


Now this Darkness i speak of is not of this world...this darkness is true darkness. Not just the absence of light, but the absence of sound, heat, life, and energy as a whole.

Original Thread

I have always wanted a mod that allows control/creation of the shadows.

Threw a series of quests the player will discover his/her true power. One will be able to control and create shadows, use the shade to move objects, bring the Darkness into a pfysical manifestation to create allies, weapons, an armor, and use the worlds shadow to drain foes of their very life.


This is just an idea/req that i've had for some time now, and the only mod that comes close to it is Terran Vampires, by Zorak Ramone.

This powers would be a combination of the Lasambra's from Vampire the Masquerade, Jackie's from The Darkness comics, Venom/Spawn from comics etc.







Discover your power and cliam your fearsome abilities by birthright, granting complete control over the shadows



Spell Ideas (shadow spells will do a certain amount of frost damage/silence)



-Shadow Mail: form armor made of darkness which make enemies run/coward in fear (toggleable)


-Fingers of the Shade: immobilize enemies with tentacles (and silences) of shadow

-Shadowstep: The ability to step through the space between light and darkness and cross a small distance in an instant, pitting you behind your target.

-Shadow Swarm: summon a swarm of black will o' wisps (maybe a black ghost or two as well) so its as if you actually have the shadows kill your foes

-Soul Shadow: Creates a shadowy doppleganger of the Player for a certain amount of time to aid the Player in battle

-Shadowform: Makes the character into a shadowy ghost for a certain amount of time and makes them harder to see. (Would be an adapted Chameleon spell with an effect to make it shadowy)

-Doors of Darkness: A Mark/Recall spell that only works in shadows or at night. If you use it when in light, it will fail.

-Shadowmount: Summon a steed made of darkness (special horse with a shader to make it appear like it's made of shadows

-Into Darkness: summons portal to shadow realm

-Gloom: surrounds the player in a large black mist/fog which makes them a % harder to hit: when cast on self, a kind of invisibility, enemies cannot see you, but they know something is wrong about a mass of darkness moving around and may take a potshot or two into it. when cast on an enemy, it activates the "crouching in fear" script in the enemy, stopping them from doing.... anything.

-Void: similar to the black hole from the game "the Darkness", yanks all enemies and items... basically all physics objects other than yourself, into a crackling black mass, dropping to the floor after it dissipates. a higher level spell could be cast on yourself, making you the void, all enemies and physics objects would swirl around you, and it could also transfer the enemy's health to you.

-Dark Frenzy (needs better name): the target is engulfed in a thin layer of darkness so that "...a compound of command, frenzy and poisen/desease/cold damage. target gets enveloped in darkness, making their flesh split and decay, all the while attacking anyone nearby (only enemies when your level gets higher)". Actually one could probably just change the poisoned shader to black instead of green for the desired effect. That way it's like the darkness is eating him/her and he's/she's flippen' out because of it.


The following spells i will need help with...

-get stronger the darker it was (pitch-black room my magicka never runs out and my health is buffed, But when outside in daylight the powers are weaker)

-Dark Manipulation: telekinesis in dark areas...have like an invisible model that casts a shadow between the object and pc, so it looks like the pc is using shadows to manipulate the object...so it leaves like a trail of shadow across the floor.

NEW-Lights Out: temporarily but instantly disables all light sources within the area, for just enough time to recuperate your dark energy or Shadowstep behind someone, or maybe you just need a little more umph to summon your armor of darkness.

-Dark Vail: When outdoors, lets you bend the sun's rays as to not strike you (Darkness effect)

-Shadow Spawn: actually be able to make it darker, whether in a room, or even outside (be able to create darkness, not just manipulate it.)


To gain these various spells , the player will have to defeat foes who hold them, to prove that they are worthy of such knowledge. I will create a vast "shadowland" named the Void, where the player will find the citadel of Sithis, and receive his/her training.


as an example, lets say you wanted to summon a Steed of Shadow, then you would have to actual find one within the void and defeat it, proving you dominance. The void, will be based on areas, by which i mean that the starting area will be fairly easy, and as the players travel extends across the dark world, one will find enemies to be much more fearsome.


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  • 2 weeks later...



I like your ideas. Ive been writing a script for some time based on a Sithis Campaign. In mine, you ARE Sithis, possesing a murder victim. In the story Mehrunes Dagon (forgive if I spell it wrong). has been collecting his victims in his plain of oblivion. When they get killed there they are his, to compound this he's granting infinite life to his followers. Upset by Dagon's theft, you inhabit the body of a recently murdered *insert race here*, the reason is the same as the reason the daedra dont just startrunning all around Tamriel, you would start a war with the Nine. Which would ultimately kill everything on the planet. Wouldnt bother you except then there would be no new servants. In the long run balance is preferred.


Not to mention Dagon can simply ban you from his plane. So, in a fleshy body, you can go where you want and still keep the peace. When in the body you cant go back to the Abyss, but what do you do with all the souls youre harvesting? Simple, the player would be able to make a slighty customisable pocket dimension. When the game begins the player has a spell called "Soul Steal" when cast the victim's soul is taken to the dimension. And to make it a little better, you can cast it on a corpse and still get the slave. During the dark brotherhood quest a Dark elf comes to you and shows the entrance to the dimension and asks to be murdered.


When you kill him he appears at the entrance (in that cool ghost appearance) and offers to be your Stewart. When you want to change how something looks in the dimension you talk to him for options. You can see all the people you Soul Stole, working tirelessly to build the corridors, and rooms.


As an added bonus theres a spell called Summon Slave, We did this in kind of a cheap way, but when cast A slave of your choice comes to fight for you. The way we did it in our beta was to make Black soul gems that are character specific, then have you take the one you want from one chest and put it in another. Then whoevers gem is in Chest #2 is the guy thats summoned.


Also, the number of souls stolen starts to boost your character's stats, and effect the size of the new dimension. Lastly, when you cast on bandits or generic characters, they become a skeleton soldier, and when you reach level 15 you get a spell called summon army which summons the number of soldiers you've collected (up to 15 to avoid lag).


Well, my programmers quit to work on fallout stuff, so feel free to use any of my ideas or ask about anything. Just let me know if this thing gets running, Ive been waiting two years for this mod!



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