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Help: Hazard Object that Targets Corpses


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So I'm trying to create a spell that spawns a hazard at the player. The hazard is invisible and has the effect that any corpse within its radius is highlighted.

Thus I have created:

Spell with effect that spawns hazard
->Hazard that calls Hazard Spell
-->Hazard Spell with Hazard Spell Effect

Hazard Spell Effect:

--NO TARGET CONDITIONS in the spell or in the effect


Script Archetype
Fire and Forget


FX Persists

No Death Dispel

No Hit Event



The script functions to ask if the dead thing is hostile (i.e. a skeleton) or not and cast a Fire and Forget/Target Actor spell from the player at the targeted actor either way.


Since there are no target conditions, this spell is currently highlighting any NPC characters (besides chickens? wth?) in the range of the hazard, but corpses are neglected... how do I convince the hazard to target the corpses as well?


*EDIT* Note that I have used the Target condition "GetDead == 1.0" in both the spell and the target conditions with no effect, so I removed them thinking the hazard itself didn't consider corpses an option for targeting.



Edited by mathern
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Problem solved... but in a sketchy manner. I won't waste time elaborating. The result was that I created a toggle form of "Detect Life" and "Detect Dead". If anyone is interested in how, go ahead and contact me!

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