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Dead Thrall Despawning Possible Fix


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Skyrim's dead thrall spell has a LOT of bugs, but by far the most annoying is that the npc bodies you use as thralls have a habit of disappearing if you dont have them actively animated and following you (even unique / named NPCs which have no reason to despawn aside from savegame bloat issues).


My idea for a possible fix to this issue is:

A static item, like an altar or something to make it as lore freindly as possible, that is located in a necromancer type lair, which would be able to 'store' the corpses of npcs you mark with a spell to be recalled to the atlar, IE despawning the marked corpse and respawning either it or a copy of it when the player selects it from a list of 'stored' thralls.


If the scripting could be figured out, this sounds to me like a good way to work around both the despawning thralls issue as well as the possible savegame bloat that might go alone with making tons of bodies not despawn.


If someone could give me some pointers on where to get started, I might even be able to accomplish this myself. I understand scripting, just have no idea where to begin in terms of the CK.

Edited by AQW111
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