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Skyrim not launching


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Skyrim Isn't launching, I just get a black screen with the blue spinning wheel.

I've attached a screen shot of my mod folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Are you using NMM and BOSS?

Also, screenshot of the blue spinning wheel would be interesting to see.

I'm new to this, what is BOSS? I only knew about using NMM.

As for the spinning wheel, it's just the cursor in windows when a program isn't responding.

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Better Vampires may conflict with the custom race. I also notice you have a no dawnguard version of Better Vampires.. You could check the race mod you're using and make sure that it doesn't require dawnguard. You may also need the race compatability mod for the custom race, read the instructions on that mod's page well. I don't know anything about the portal mod, but make sure it doesnt require any dlcs if you don't have any. I've read about an issue with apachi hair when using mods that alter npcs or are for custom followers or races if the version of apachi you installed does not match the version used to make the mod. Try changing around the load order. ESMs go on top as far as I know and try to imagine the mods overwriting each other ( which they kind of do if one changes the same thing as another ) and order them with that in mind - oorrrrr get boss. It took me a while before I started using wrye and boss and stopped having issues with launch failures and instant ctds. It's almost always related to a mod missing a dependency or a bad load order. You can move the mod order around in NMM, but if you get and run boss then the next time you open NMM it will arrange the mods appropriately for you unless boss doesn't recognize them, which can happen sometimes and those mods will fall under " unrecognized plug ins" . All of that last bit doesn't matter at all if you don't download boss though, just check your mod's pages well and check for any that might need a DLC or if that Temptress mod needs anything extra like race compatability.



Oh and you can just google somethin like "boss skyrim" and you'll be able to navigate from there I'm sure. It's simple. You install it ( you don't put it in the skyrim folder like a mod) and run it and it will have a number assigned to any games it recognizes- skyrim is usually 0 or 1 for me. It'll say right next to it on the screen when you run it.


Long winded but I hope it helps some.

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