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No shock or lightning spells


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A little back story. I was electrocuted almost to death when I was 10. As a result, I have PTSD around electricity. I never use electricity spells when I play a mage in any game, and try really hard to convince myself it's some other form of magic when I encounter an enemy that does use them.


I recently got a computer for the first time in years and bought Skyrim as my first game. I instantly realized the electricity spells in it are going to be a problem. I've managed to avoid them by not doing a lot of magic-related quests, which of course is limiting my game-play. Of course sometimes I can't avoid said mod or get ambushed on the road. This has diminished my enjoyment of the game, but I was managing. Barely.


However, I have recently added J'zargo as a follower. And I adore him. The problem is that his two main spells are shock and lightening bolt. I am having a very hard time with this and am about to send him home.


Ideally, I would love a mod that could remove those two spells from the game completely!! Replace them with fire or ice spells. If that's not possible, a mod that makes J'zargo stop using them would be almost as good. If anyone could help me I would be forever in your debt, as it would allow me to enjoy the game without the occasional freak-out or racing heart (not in a good way).


I did try using AFT to get J'zargo to "unlearn" those spells, but it didn't work. I'm guessing it's because he has those spell to start with.


Thank you for any assistance you can offer.

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Im gonna give this a go when i finish my current project (tuesday at the latest). It shouldn't be too hard, just a bit time consuming. Ill first try changing all lightning magic effects to fire or frost or something. Removing them could have compatibility issues.

Another option is to just change the sounds and visuals, which should have no compatibility issues.


Does the terms lightning/ electricity trigger you too? cos i can probably change the descriptions and names.

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OMG, you are amazing! I can't believe you did this already. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


The terms don't bother me. Weird, right? Well, no one ever said PTSD was logical.


I haven't run into a storm atronach yet, I don't think. But yeah, changing that too would be good.


Thank you again. This means more to me than you could imagine.

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I am pretty great right :P


The human mind is the least logical thing i can think of.


I figured out how to remove all shock visuals and sounds. I managed to locate almost all them, any i miss will need to be reported by users or spotted by me in testing, but shouldn't be many and could be none. I just need to spend a few hours finding replacements from similar non shock visuals and sounds. This method should also work on modded shock effects if they use the vanilla visuals and sounds (which most do) and wont even use an esp.


It means alot to me too, everyone should be able to enjoy videogames.

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uploaded a new version. i managed to replace sparks spell with a beam!! and the atronachs lighting with beams. Unfortunately they still flicker, im not sure how to fix that yet.


Ill be working on sounds and any bug reports or effects ive missed and plan to upload those next tues.

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I don't think I'll ever be able to completely express how much this means to me. I felt so stupid asking. Like I should just get over my fear. I suspect a lot of people with PTSD or phobias feel the same way. Your prompt response helped ease that feeling.


J'zargo and I are adventuring again!!!

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