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The OnDeath(Actor akKiller) problem.


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OK, so for my script. I want to be able to check that when I kill the guy and his guard the stage progresses.


Here is what I have so far:

{This is the OnDeath event to progress the quest!}
Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)

	If Alias_JOBLaniusTarionAlias && Alias_JOBLaniusGuardAlias



What I planned on doing was, attach this script to both Refs and then let it fire one time when they die.


I don't know if I have to use the .GetDead condition or not. So, what I think is going on is that OnDeath specifies already that if they are dead then the script will fire.


I do need help on this and any will be appreciated :)

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GetDead is a console command. The papyrus equivalent would be IsDead().


Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)

	If Alias_JOBLaniusTarionAlias.GetActorRef().IsDead() && Alias_JOBLaniusGuardAlias.GetActorRef().IsDead()



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