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Lingering shadow bug


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I have a bug where a previous shadow in persisting on my characters' bodies, all of them. Here's a vid to show what I mean:




From the vid, you can see that when I wear the bikini top, the shadow disappears but when it is taken off, the shadows re-appears even though there is nothing to cast the shadow Seems to be from some previous tree or other, but as it's affecting ALL characters I presume a global setting needs a re-jig?




Edit: a little investigation. The Ashen race character is not showing this bug, but all female human characters (including NPCs) have these shadows on them if they are naked. Hmmm.

Edited by MrStoob
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It's doing my head in now :biggrin:


Re-installed Skyrim after uninstalling and deleting all relevant directories then re-installed UNP/texture mods. Still doing it. I messed with the Ashen race textures and got it to break like the human but fixed it by replacing the textures and maps from the zip (Maevan2's mature). Tried to do the same with human, no change, still got the stupid shadows on the body.


Could really use some help here please. If more info is needed, please ask. The textures were working correctly as far as I know up until yesterday evening. I'm not sure if *ahem* "AP" had anything to do with it, but I've not installed that this time around. I downloaded BOSS and TESVEdit but I'm unsure how to 'clean' saves. Can't see any options to change or update anything flagged as anomalous.


EDIT: Hm, after buggering around moving textures and maps around, I re-installed the UNP BBP packages for a clean start and that seems to have sorted it for now... dunno why that didn't work before but hey ho. Just when I thought I was finding my way around the Skyrim directories and what's what.


I think I've worked out the culprit (forgot I installed a skinnier UNP mod) but CBA testing the theory in case I can't fix it again lol.

Edited by MrStoob
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