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Im not a vampire?


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Hello, Im havin an issue with my game. I had the overhaul mod "vampiric thirst" and I was playing a custom race, the half-elf dryad race. For reasons I never figured out I had to reinstall skyrim to get it to stop crashing all the time. anyway, I wanted to pick up where I left off, I backed up my save files and resumed where I left off. Now when I go to castle volkihar everyone says im a mortal and to ask harkon for "the gift again" but im still a vampire, i even have the vampire lord power and everything, but either way, I cant re-receive the gift.. I tried the setrace command, but idk what the id for the race is though.


I tried Player.setrace halfelfdryadracevampire, half-elfdryadracevampire, halfelf-dryadracevampire, half elf dryadracevampire, and halfelf-dryadracevampire. as you can see ive tried every variation I could think of. either the ID is something completely different or the command just wont work. I also cant get the misc quest for faelin to remove vamprisim so I could go back to harkon and get the gift.


Ive tried everything I could think of, so... right now the dawnguard questline is at a dead end.

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I had that once, like being a half-vampire.


I resolved it by going to a regular vampire haunt (the one near Morthal is easy to get to) and get turned into a vampire by one of them, then get cured by Falion then you should be able to go and see Serana to be turned into a proper Vampire Lord again. That worked for me anyway.

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