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Does Buildshare actually save surrounding terrain ?


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I cant get an answer on the mod page or the discord channel so I will try here.


Buildshare has a checkbox when saving a project to 'save terrain' , but it doesnt work,


Im working on a pretty big build with a basement area I can save and load the base, but it crumbles when loaded in a new area, or buries the basement based on where I set the player coordinates.


I'd like to upload it to Nexus when its done so I could either make an artifical stone base or just use 'Forever Build' as a requirement for it.


Edited by ChloeModz
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I've done some testing , basically if you 'save terrain' on a build it will cut out the terrain on the ground when you load the build.


It doesnt help me since I need it to restore/raise the ground to its original position for my build.


For now I will just create an artifical base that can be buried at the edges.

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  • 2 months later...

I cant get an answer on the mod page or the discord channel so I will try here.


Buildshare has a checkbox when saving a project to 'save terrain' , but it doesnt work,


Im working on a pretty big build with a basement area I can save and load the base, but it crumbles when loaded in a new area, or buries the basement based on where I set the player coordinates.


I'd like to upload it to Nexus when its done so I could either make an artifical stone base or just use 'Forever Build' as a requirement for it.



I just encountered the same problem. Have you found a solution yet?

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