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followers and stairs


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Good morning all just a question that's been bugging me since I started using followers, I love house mods and I try every new one that comes out, usually have three or four most of the time. one thing I've noticed is that when you take a follower into a new house they never use the stairs ( I know followers cant go from cell to cell) why is that ?. Like I said I've tried a lot of house mods and only once have I seen my follower go upstairs, which is a bit strange because in a lot of houses the beds are upstairs. So I mostly choose houses where the beds are on the same level as other rooms, at least that way they can use the beds. So what happen when you enter a new house is you have to choose which level to put a follower on, if you want them to use the beds which are on the top level they stay there and never use the kitchen which is on the level below.also is there a mod that forces the followers to use the stairs.thanks for your time.

ps the only mod that followers use the stairs that I've found is Luxury Suite

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My followers go up stairs no problem :smile:


Might be an issue specific to the mods you're using.

Thanks for your reply like I said none of my followers use the stairs in all the mods I've tried, at the moment I'm using Candy Pond Ranch and Elysium Estate

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found a way round this I have the mod My Home is Your Home which I have had for ages, If I first take my follower to the area where the beds are and say this is your home,and then take the follower to any other area and say you can work here, they will then go back to their beds whichever level the beds are on at night, and relax in the rest of the house during the day. You learn something new every day

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