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Are we alone in the universe?


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We know enough of chemistry to know precisly under what conditions a certain reaction must take place. You can experiment with different conditions inside a lab. And I tell you, they made a lot of experiments trying to recreate the reactions leading to a lifeform. A very early lifeform is very unstable and requires very precise circumstances to stay stable. It is difficult enough to get a protein molecule, because those are very complex molecules. Now those were experiments under control of human. How much more does it take for mere chance to create life, when not even the humam mind can recreate it?
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Somehow, given the millions of possibities provided in space, the fact that we do not have to limit ourselves to sentient life 'as we know it', I would be amazed to find our planet to be the only one with 'life'.


I do not for one moment believe that the universe is some compendium of episodes of Star Trek. However I find it harder to believe we are the only one, especially given that there appears to be evidence that there was was once life on Mars.


One cannot be entirely logical in circumstances where chaotic jumps have been established to occur. At present it can only be a matter of opinion.

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OK, good point. Simple lifeforms may exist somewhere in the universe, perhaps more than we think. But don't expect to get across something intelligent. The development of an intelligent being is even more complex than the development of life itself and it is very unlikely that there are other intelligent beings.
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people might also think it a common misconception that all alien races are superior in intelect and technology than we. given that the race in mind advances through the technology tree at the same rate we do, then yes that would be right. as this solar system and galaxy are, supposedly, relatively new. (lets just say for example the last 1% of 'existance') that said someone with the same tech speed as us would indefinately have a huge advantage, even a neighbor. but thats not to say that the race at the very center of the universe would be a tech titan over the other worlds, or that they didnt fizzle and die like humans probly will. just look at Alien/Predator and see what the differences are.


oh i really want to post my theory of the (non-uni)verse(s) but i really dont have the time right now.


oh and Hir_Nesta, i really would be interested in hearing your thoughts. maybe a PM is in order.

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Then again, even if an alien was standing right next to me, it isn't sure that I would spot it. They may be built like a thin line. They may be invisible.

Now that is an interesting point. What if there are intelligent non-human life-forms, and they have visited Earth, and, in fact, are all around us, but either they have deliberately camouflaged themselves or are just naturally of a nature we cannot perceive? That would explain why there's never been any definitive evidence of alien encounters whilst at the same time the possibility of us being alone in the universe being staggeringly small.




answer is: 42 (But what was the question exactly??)


If I recall correctly, 'what is seven multiplied by nine?', which tells you quite a bit about the universe. :P

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If I recall correctly, 'what is seven multiplied by nine?', which tells you quite a bit about the universe. :P


What the...!?! :huh:





7*9 = 63




*Is confused*


EDIT: Just Googled '42' in relation to the Douglas Adams books and came across an article on how 42 is the answer to all galactical mysteries. I think I might buy that book.

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If I recall correctly, 'what is seven multiplied by nine?', which tells you quite a bit about the universe. :P





7*9 = 63





I'm wearing my official 42 t-shirt right now, so I may be able to explain. (due to the t-shirt transmitting it's official brain enhancement waves. Patent Pending)


Nothing in the universe is definint (sp?). Such as the spelling of that word, or any word for that matter.


But the fact that I am the coolest frood ever remains, despite my (or Douglas Adams') theory.

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As I am Christian my answer is simple:


I believe in the bible, and if there were extraterrestrial life, god would've told us.


No, really...

there would be no point in not telling us.

There are other reasons (biblical) but that's a lot to explain...(PM me for further



I'm pretty sure that there are no aliens.


And I even take a step father: If there IS intelligent extraterrestrial life

my faith wouldn't be crushed...

But as there are none...


Well thats my opinion.

If anyone wants to start a flame-war or a religion-massacre... please with PM's...


And remember...it's my opinion..not the opinion of every christian

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The shirt was cool, but it doesnt prove that an armada of death ships is approaching us at this very moment to end our pitiful existance.

They don't want to end our pitiful existance, they just want to destroy Earth to make way for a new Intergalactic Highway.

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