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Are we alone in the universe?


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BretonThief, you are right that we cannot answer what if questions about the unknown. I don't think that means we shouldn't ask them.


What if we are figments of someone's imagination? What if we are part of an experiment run by 42 mice? What if I go out and get drunk?


Yeah, I like the last idea.


But seriously you have to keep coming up with questions until we know what the right ones might be.

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umm... yeasss... well i rekon IF there are any other "aliens" out there, which i think there are, the are probably just some sort of new bacteria or something. nothing with limbs or eyes... unless they did put us here, which is soooooo much more impossible than life existing in the first place... thats assuming things can be more impossible than others...


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But why does alot of people think that if there is life out there then it must be small and bacteria like. For gods sake do you really believe the human race is the centre of the universe lol


Any way you look at it we are not great we are the worst thing that has ever happened to this planet, we are pretty much the most destructive thing that has ever happened, ok maybe nothing compared the a huge meteor or masses of volcanic eruptions.


I just cannot believe that we are it, that there is nothing else intelligent or remotly intelligent, after all we are only a species, which one day will be wiped out just like every other species that lives on our earth and every other one that has and will live on it.


So when we are all gone i do not believe that intelligent life has gone from space for ever as well.


lol theres my rant over.

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well there MAY be intelligent life out there, but the chances or bacteria and stuff are much higher. Also, unless the metior theory is correct, any other life would most probably not resemble anything that we could recognise. They may not even have cells... I just think that theres no chance watsoever of other human like figures on another planet.


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I just think that theres no chance watsoever of other human like figures on another planet.

its a stretch, yes. but given the vastness of all that exists there are enough locations of life, as big or small, developed or not as they are, to at least have the possibility of other humans. who knows these may even be on a higher evolutionary level than we.

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Guest kfmccall

too bad were too early from the caves and won't find out for a while.


Has anyone seen the movie K-pax? That movie is filled with opinions on this matter.

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the best proof that their is extraterrestiral intelligent life is that none of it has tried to contact us yet :P

lol yeah i can hear them now


"ommfg look at those savage uber noobs! methinks we should wait until they kill eachother, then we'll take their pron and video games for our own!"

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I have read the posts on this topic and have found them ranging from inspiriring to down right hilarious.


As to my own therioies I do believe that there is intelligent life out there but we as a race will most likely never see because of the vast distances involved. even in our own galaxy there mayvery well be 7 Intellighent races out there (a calculation useing the drake equasion, albeit with a very pessimistic view of 33%, and 33%of that , and then 33% of that result, as you can see the number gets really small really fast ;) ) but one thing that I have not seen in detail but lossely discused is the fact that life may also be baced on other elements other then carbon (us). Silicon has been theorized as being as good a building block as carbon as well as some others. And as to those that say that the world has to be around a G2 type star (ours), I have to say that EVERY star has what is called a "life belt" were water can exist as a liquid. And agine that is for just carbon life, or "life as we know it", a silocon baced lifeform could not live in a enviornment as ours it would be deadly to them as theirs would be to us, so there is a very brief statement on my view. If you would like I can direct you to some excelent books on life out there ( including one were "alien" life may very well be just microbes) just Pm me and I will tell you. this subject has been of particular intrest to me since I was a child and as a result I have done extensive reasurch on the subject, and went as far as developing a SF Univerice were the advanced races in it are as sientificly accoret as possible and were the star travel is also very much within the relme of not only posibbiity but also science.


But I have rambled on long enough and I hope others will continue to post on this subject.

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