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Text bug question.


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I have an issue with russian text not being displayed properly in english version of the game.IS there a way to see both russian( instead of russian text i get weird symbols) and english text in english version of the game? If not, how do i convert GOG version from eng to rus?

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AFAIK, the only differences between the Steam and GOG versions are how they handle the "valid game ownership" and online support matters. Once you get past the install and setup of the game they are functionally identical.


That said, mixing languages in the game is usually considered a "regional language edition" issue. Which region is your game purchased from? Which language is selected when you installed the game? (Presumably "English", but it's best to confirm.) And by "Russian" presumably you mean the Cyrillic character set? Which one? (See the "computer encoding" section of the Wikipedia article.


When you say "weird symbols" instead of recognizable characters, are you sure: 1) you have the correct language fonts installed, and 2) that font is what the "*.nam" files (see the below referenced wiki entries) are expecting? (Windows usually displays a solid block when it doesn't have a matching character in the font set. "Weird symbols" usually means you have a mismatched font set installed/selected.) Once you have identified those specifics you are more likely to be able to get specific help from someone with that particular regional configuration. (I'm in the US region, and so lack that experience. "Regional" forums (for Fallout, not particularly Nexus) are most likely to have people experienced with such issues.)


I don't recall seeing quite that particular "mix" (Russian replacing English "text" instead of "audio") before. The best I can suggest is to read the "Issue - Regional Non-English language version of the game displaying English dialogue" and "Issue - Regional Non-English language version of the game with different language audio" entries under the "Starting the game problems" section, and the "Issue - Regional - non-English version has different FormIDs" entry under the "Miscellaneous problems" section. Some interpretation of how that information applies to your specific circumstances will be required, but you can always ask detailed questions here.



Edited by dubiousintent
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