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Request- Coding a workaround


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Okay, here's the way things seem to be going. I get to the amount of XP required to level up, and nothing happens.


I think, personally, what I need is an easy workaround. A mod to install that seems to fix the problem, even if mechanically it doesn't.


This is the basic gist of what I want-


Mod does this-


A constant script runs, checking for XP gains. When XP is gained, it checks the new total against the current level and the variable (iexpbump, I think it was) that controls when you level up. If the level is under 20, it inputs and runs the "ADVLEVEL" console command (which I've tested and proven to work). If the level is 20, the script records the amount of HP that the character currently has, then sets the character's level to nineteen and uses the advlevel command. The origional amount of HP is restored, then the normal levelup bonus to HP is added and the new value replaces the old.


Basically, I'm describing an already existing mod that I use, but with a workaround for a bug I'm experiencing.




And while I'm still here---




I'm going to point out that the only reason that I don't use FOSE involves my use of a framerate capper to cap framerate at 30 to decrease system workload. If somebody were to make an FOSE plugin that did that, I'd have no reason not to use it- In fact, I'd love to, since I'm seeing motorcycle mods out there.




--EDIT: Due to mod cleaning, updates, and starting of a new game, I fixed several bugs including this one. I'm going to leave this up, however, in case others experience this bug.

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