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Weapon will not pick up

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


"Now this is odd I follow the instructions on the site you gave and when I go to paste over the nitristrips data it moves stuff around."


If it's just blocks being reordered when you paste, go to File in Nifskope & make sure you have "Auto sanatize before save" ticked.


Then when you save it should order the blocks properly if they're not badly set up.


Other than that I can't offer much help with Blender, I've never got my head around it. :)



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Auto sanitize is not working for me 0_o


Okay.....seems I can use nif scope to cut and a paste with stuff from blender a bit. I've got one weapon I dunno how to tackle, can you take a look at it?





I managed to get it to work after shrinking the Mauser really small, I guess this would work for any weapon but there's a glitch if you pick it up and equip it without having something else equipped it will show up on its side. 0_o



thanks again for all the help!




Okay so I made 2 versions , 1 you can drop but changes locations when you just pick it up and equip it, go from rifle to it, if you go from pistol to it its fine. The other is the one you can not drop but it has no other glitches(the first attachment) 0_o LOL

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


You're getting better at it with each try. :)


The first one:




Is missing several key nodes like the NiExtraData that tells it it's a weapon & incorrect BSXFlag setting of 2 as if it's a static.


Your second attempt:




Is more like it, though a little unconventional in block structure. :)


I was able to drop it & pick it up just fine, it also fired properly too.


I did notice that the extended magazine that you've added was moving during firing of the gun.


That's because you've got it attached to a node called:




So it's animating like it's a trigger. :)


Just rename the ##cmTrigger node (the one your extra curved magazine is attached too, not the real trigger) to something else like Part to stop it being animated.


That's something to watch out for when copying & pasting parts in Nifskope, they often get renamed & must be corrected.


Anything that gets a name with ## is an animated part & will be treated as such in game regardless of whether it was meant to be.



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Thank you for all the help!


I guess if I am not using the animation I should rename it?


As far as I know there are many issues with animation so if it works great if not its kinda normal LOL


Try switching weapons on the mosquito-nif-working-new.rar one, dose it change position with when switching from a rifle class weapon? Or is it just mine that dose that? LOL


I never thought you could shrink the vanilla parts and still use it as a base for a new weapon. But sheesh it only works if you do it a certain way(have to use the default import/export settings for the blender plugin) else it crashes out.

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!

"I guess if I am not using the animation I should rename it?"

Yes, the magazine moves when fired becasue it's attached to a node named ##cmTrigger so it acts lie a trigger.

Copy & pasting often randomly renames pasted blocks, just change the name to prevent the animation being applied. Anything with ## will be a tag for an animation.

"I never thought you could shrink the vanilla parts and still use it as a base for a new weapon. But sheesh it only works if you do it a certain way(have to use the default import/export settings for the blender plugin) else it crashes out."

You can copy branch & paste branch vanilla objects straight into another Niskope without having to go to Blender.

I use vanilla objects all the time to buid new models with just using Nifskope.

For instance, that sonic weapon you made, you could have used just Nifskope & copy & pasted the dish & arial part into the weapon model within Nifskope. That would bypass Blender export/import.

Nifskope can even be used to resize the vanilla objects.

You only need Blender for cutting & drastic reshaping.

"Try switching weapons on the mosquito-nif-working-new.rar one, dose it change position with when switching from a rifle class weapon?"

Oh yes, I see what you mean. The positioning is put off when switching from a rifle.

The positioning of weapons has to fit the originals or the animation will be off.

I've taken your new bits & cop branch & paste pranch into the vanilla chinese pistol. I then paste over the new parts onto the vanill & that fixes it up. Remember to watch the name changes, I had to change back a few block names. If any other block gets named the same as the very first one you get a CTD.

Try this:



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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


"What bits did you copy over?"


I copy branch & paste branch the main body of the weapon that you customised & the mag you added into a vanilla chinese pistol.


I then copy & paste over those parts to replace the vanilla weapon.


To finish off I copied your custom collision mesh over to the vanilla weapon & moved it into place.


That fixed the animation bug of it's position being displaced by a rifle.



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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


"What bits did you copy over?"


I copy branch & paste branch the main body of the weapon that you customised & the mag you added into a vanilla chinese pistol.


I then copy & paste over those parts to replace the vanilla weapon.


To finish off I copied your custom collision mesh over to the vanilla weapon & moved it into place.


That fixed the animation bug of it's position being displaced by a rifle.




So copy the main body of the weapon then paste it into the Chinese pistol then paste over the main body of the Chinese pistol?


Then copy paste branch for the clip?


Then how much of the bhkCollisionObject did you change? all of it or just bhkConvexVerticesShape?


Would it be safe to remove the slide, I tend to want to remove the hammer and lock as well but they look okay where they are I guess LOL

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!

"So copy the main body of the weapon then paste it into the Chinese pistol then paste over the main body of the Chinese pistol?"

That's it. :)

"Then copy paste branch for the clip?"

Yes, click on the mag in the Render Window & Copy Branch, then Paste Branch into the vanilla weapon. There's no equivalent part to paste over so Block - Duplicate Branch an existing part so that you can Paste over it with the mag.

After that's done check your moved parts names, they will almost certainly get renamed on move & that can cuase trouble.

Give them new names if you have to or use the vanilla parts name for them.

"Then how much of the bhkCollisionObject did you change? all of it or just bhkConvexVerticesShape?"

Just bhkConvexVerticesShape, you want to keep all the vanilla settings & only want your custom shaped collision.

With that there's no need to Copy Branch, just Copy will do & then Paste Over the vanilla bhkConvexVerticesShape.

You may need to fine tune the bhkConvexVerticesShape placing, that can be adjusted in the Translation that's listed int the bhkRigidBody block, as long as that block is a bhkRigidBodyT.

If it's ever just a bhkRigidBody & you need to adjust position of the collision, you can change it by right clicking on bhkRigidBody & selecting Block - Convert - Havok - bhkRigidBodyT.

"Would it be safe to remove the slide, I tend to want to remove the hammer and lock as well but they look okay where they are I guess LOL"

Should be fine, the animation .kf's just look for ## names & animate if it's there. If there's no part named that way it does not hurt, it's just ignored.


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