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Skyrim Crash upon loading


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Unreal Cinema ENB with SMAA enabled used with added ESP that came with the folder.


Nvidia GTX 670

Samsung 840 Pro SSD

Intel i7 2600k


The game worked just fine until I came back from my MC trip and I started the game. It will crash just after it finished loading just outside the Whiterun main gate or inside Whiterun or just before the loading ends and cuts to desktop without any error.


I figuerd it might have been the esps that comes with Unreal Cinema.

I disabled those and ran it again with the same outcome.


Reseted the Nvidia options back to default to see if that worked, which didn't do a thing.

Ran the Verfiy Game Cache... that worked for a few min and ended up with CTD.

Also turned off the "Force fake video card" option, but that didn't work either.

All I have left is to try and make a new character from scratch and in the end maybe reinstall Skyrim.


One thing i noticed is the fact the launcher used unnatural long time to verfy what quality in graphics to use on both disabled ENB and ENB on. Also the ingame meny is slow to scroll up which I actually remember I experienced was the tell tale sign something was off in Skyrim which I can't remember caused it.

Normally the meny scrolls up just after the Skyrim logo comes up and the meny music starts.


I am really at a loss here :confused:






Does anyone have a possible fix for my problem? maybe a link to a forum post or something. I've tried to search around, but no real answers came up. :ohdear:

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I can atleast confirm the game runs when starting a new game, but I already have 30h into my new main and I would like this problem to be resolved so i can use my main again.


And whos to say it wont just crash again at some point?

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It could be driver related too ofcourse... it's been just over 1 month since I reinstalled a new SSD and reinstalled the OS and so forth.


I look forward when the PC gets smart enough to know exactly what is wrong. lol

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I might have figuerd its the ENB that causes the crash whenever I try to leave Whiterun. I am going to try playing without ENB for a time to see if it remains stable and try a different ENB later to see if that causes CTD in the same area... if so then either some error the enb has in common may be at fault or my graphic card driver.


Also going to ask Unreal if he/she has any suggestions 'cause the ENB is awesome.

Edited by MatrixCoder
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