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Blunt weapons


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Does being attacked by blunt weapons actually take away from your fatigue, or do they just make you fall down a lot?


Why are staff damage ratings so low?


Why is their a connotation between healers and blunt weapons (for instance in the Imperial cult one of their prized skills is blunt weapon, and the preset healer class has blunt weapon in it)? Monks also have blunt weapon specializations, and it's wierd to think about a monk with a warhammer or mace. It is more fitting to see them with a staff. Are monks and healers intended to have staffs?

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Are monks and healers intended to have staffs?

I'm pretty sure they meant to have monks and healers carry staves, instead of warhammers.


And as for why they are so weak in combat.... I don't know. According to most regular weapons(not artifacts) they appear to have the 3rd best weapon enchantment, (Daggers 1st and spears 2nd...or vice versa) but that still doesn't makeup for their low attack ratings. I guess they are just there to make those magic wielding class characters look cool.


And I think they mostly are inteded to lower fatigue more than health. Statistically they are just hand-to-hand combat that can damage fatigue mostly and health at the same time I guess.

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They have the fastest attack speed. (I would have thought daggers)


Umm... Actually I just checked TESCS and they don't. Most all staves have a speed of 1.75, and most all daggers have a speed of 2 or 2.5.


Dang it you got me excited for a second!


However! Most staves do surprisingly deal more damage than daggers! (besides glass) I'm happy now. Staves are actually better than I thought. They are a little slower, but deal more damage. AND... most staves have a reach of 1.5 or 1.8, and daggers only have a reach of 1! Plus they're blunt weapons so they can knock someone and/or take away from their fatigue, unlike daggers. Yay. Now I can feel good about using them for healers and monks.


Now would someone please answer this question: do blunt weapons actually damage fatigue, or do they just make people fall down a lot?

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Now would someone please answer this question: do blunt weapons actually damage fatigue, or do they just make people fall down a lot?

I've been experimenting and doing research. Staves just have the ability to knock down enemies easier than most other weapons (such as axes). But they are not mainly used to damage fatigue, they are mainley used to knock down others. So the staff is sort of like a combined axe and dagger, since it has relativley good speed.

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