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Sea Herbs/Ingredients


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I wish I could mod, I'd add so much crap to the oceans and lakes. I play an Argonian, so the complete lack of ANYTHING in the water has pissed me off since Oblivion. Here's a game with a race that can stay underwater forever, and here's a game with nothing underwater! There's the occasional chest, but only when the game outright states that there will be something underwater. And the game is filled with scenic vistas in random places, yet the lakes are damn near completely empty.

Sorry for the ramble. I'm just very surprised that underwater mods are few and far in between, and that no one really asks for anything! haaha...

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Glad you three share my interest in a mod like this. I could probably do the mod except for the textures/meshes of new herbs; I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to that.


@ OldLace: no need to apologize for your rant. You're absolutely right. There should be 'something' under the water. Wouldn't Argonians have stuff under water? They might hide stuff there ... heck, some might even choose to have 'houses' or hideouts under water.

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