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No Follower Dialogue (I have it, but other people say they don't)


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I created a mod and it works great for me so uploaded it here.

Some people have downloaded it, but say they do not get the dialogue option: Follow me


I let them know I use UFO (I even use Interesting NPC's/Followers and it still works for me) and my load order is UFO first then the mod

I have the most update version of Skyrim and no DLC's


Any ideas as to why it works for me, but not for them?



Current follower

Potential Follower

Potential Marriage


Voice: MaleArgonian


Affection toward player: 88


AI: DefaulthomeownerSandbox





Link to mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35769/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D35769%26preview%3D&pUp=1

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Does the mod use any resources from any other mods you have; thereby making it dependent on any of those?


(I saw where it said possible requirements in your mod's page)


Maybe you should ask for a list of Modifications the users have installed, so you can see if there are any conflicting files. Since it seems that the mod is working for some people, it's probably a mod/mods some of them have installed. Also maybe they have an outdated version of the required mods.

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Does the mod use any resources from any other mods you have; thereby making it dependent on any of those?


(I saw where it said possible requirements in your mod's page)


Maybe you should ask for a list of Modifications the users have installed, so you can see if there are any conflicting files. Since it seems that the mod is working for some people, it's probably a mod/mods some of them have installed. Also maybe they have an outdated version of the required mods.

Thank you, Gabrielle 1! I will do that!!

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