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StartCombat Script not recognizing its target


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I have decided to start from scratch with that town mod of mine, because that -98880 point distibution couldnt be fixed. I have tryed to create a Start Combat Script, but for some odd reason the script does not recognize the target, stating it does not exist, when it does. Due to this, it will not save. The target is a modified Eyebot that is indestructible, but cannot attack named ChapsSentinelDogToy. The dog is named Sheba and will be recieving the script that will allow it to attack the eyebot.


scn NSShebaAggroSCRIPT

begin onLoad
 startCombat ChapsSentinelDogToy


The error I get is an Invalid Object Reference for parameter Actor(But the actor,the eyebot does exist).

Any idea what is wrong? Im guessing you cant use this script to have a creature attack another creature?

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