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Only need one more part voice acted!(Female)


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HI all I only need one more character for my Hellspire mod voice acted then I can get this update on the go. The part is for Mildred, a female ghost. So if there are any ladies out there who want to do this final part for me here are the lines. Get in touch. Thanks:





An Adventurer! praise the Heavens! Long ago when we still had flesh on our bones and before we came to this place I had a son. His name was Jaygan
Jaygan was a Knight of the Divine Order. Holy warriors dedicated to cleansing the world of the Undead. The most powerful of the undead at that time
was Erebos, the Lich Lord. Jaygan was part of an assault launched of the Lich Lords Tower. The 300 strong force however was no match for
Erebos. Each time the Lich Lord was cut down he arose again and again. Seeing that they could not defeat him the clerics of the order headed by
Jaygan banished him to Hellspire. Before he went through the portal he lunged forward with his bony claw and ripped Jaygans head from his shoulders
Now he uses his remains to eternally torture his soul. Kill Erebos and bring me Jaygans remains and I will teach you a little of what I know
The Lich Lord's Lair lies far to the east deep in the heart of the Sea of Bone
Words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you! I will take the remains and as promised I will tutor you in magic a little
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