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Story Manager/Quest alias problems


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Can't get this quest to start and I don't know if it's a story manager or alias problem or both. This is what I have:


MyQuest - on event: Kill Actor Event Misc, priority 60, Run Once is checked

Stage 0 - (just tried this with start up stage selected, made no difference)

Stage 10 - display objective (points to alias for next radiant part)

Stage 20 -


Quest Aliases:

'Player' Fill type Unique Actor Player

'Victim' Fill type find matching ref from event data Kill Actor Event is Victim

'Note' Fill type create reference to object (MyNote) in 'Victim' Alias, has attached script that OnRead sets stage 10.

plus aliases for subsequent radiant bit


In the Story Manager - Kill Actor Event

New Quest node (with my quest attached)

Shares event.

Conditions are:

Getquest started == 0

Getquestcompleted == 0

GetisId Actor:'Player' (run on event data:killer is killer) == 1

GetinFaction Faction:'NecromancerFaction' (run on event data:victim is victim) == 1


I also had a condition to check that another of my quests is at stage >= something.


My understanding is that when the player kills a Necromancer the event will trigger the quest to start and the 'victim' and 'note' aliases will be filled meaning that on the dead dude's body will be a note, that when read will give the player the quest and the first objective.


Clean save, no other mods installed and nothing happens. Went for the Necromancer found at the Ritual Stone and one I placed at he Alchemists Shack. Kill them, no note shows up.


I've been through lots of related (very good) tutorials on quest design, story manager, aliases and such but I'm stumped. Clearly I'm missing something?

Edited by Mabrothrax
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