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New freindly dragon too scared too fight


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Hi everyone, hoping someone may be able to help me with my dragon,


I am creating a mod that requires a dragon to orbit a player home (the home is the main part of the mod), the dragon is in and orbiting as I want it too.


The player home has NPC guards that are members of a dedicated faction, and my dragon is also a member of the same faction(s) as the guards.


Additional NPC's that are enemies (Drauger) and are members of a dedicated invaders faction are placed in game.


My problem is, that even tho the enemies attack me, and the guards attack the enemies, my orbiting dragon refuses to get into the fight, despite flying over the battle, he refuses to attack the invading npc's. However, if I attack the dragon, he is willing to blast me with is fire... just doesnt help me.


The dragon was created from scratch (not duplicated), initially the dragon did engage the enemise by landing near them and biting them, but did not use his fire, i then checked his build and noticed that he wasnt equiped with the spells etc, so I tweaked his build to macth one of the enc.. dragons, including spells etc, made sure that he is agressive and helps allies and friends.. but now he just refuses to get into the fight.


Also, whilst we are at it, the dragon perch furniture does not seem to work correctly, when the AI package tells the dragon to perch he flies in and perches but nowhere near the perch marker.


Anyone able to point me in the right direction here?



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Look for the simple things first:


If he's attacking and just orbiting it could be a few things -

Is his combat behaviour aggressive? Is he brave/foolhardy? Does he help friends/allies?

You should probably create a relationship between the dragon and the player (and guards) that sets them as allies or friends.


It could be the orbit AI package? Is he stuck on it? can combat interrupt it? etc.


With regards to the perch, is the reference set up correctly?


I recommend you go and study all the components of a dragon lair, inc markers, linked refs, activators, children etc.


It would probably be easy to build your dragon from a duplicate. You should then be able to alter and AI & behaviour accordingly.

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