DocClox Posted April 14, 2021 Author Share Posted April 14, 2021 A linked ref is not required to play gamebryo anims.Perhaps edit the nif in nifskope and rip out the havok behavior graph under extra data. I was thinking "power state". If it can't get at the workshop, it can't determine if it's powered or not, and that might change the graph. I'll have a look at removing the havok data. That could simplify things a lot. If it's a powered light, you can do this: Ref.PlayAnimation("Powered") Ref.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) ;player activates light, turning it on.I do something similar in my Solar Street Lights mod. Nope, no joy there, either :sad: Going to try linking to the workshop, and then niston's suggestion about deleting havok data. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SKKmods Posted April 14, 2021 Share Posted April 14, 2021 I have just today been working with LightOilLampOnOffSwitch and nailed together a script-ette that may contain some pointers: Keyword Property pSKK_RRLightLink Auto Const Mandatory Light Property pDefaultLightFire01NSFlicker Auto Const Mandatory ;SetDressing\LightFixtures\LightOilLampOnOffSwitch.nif = Stage1 OFF, Stage2 Switching, Stage3 ON ;**************************************************************************************************************** Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator) Self.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = true) ;stop keybounce queue If (Self.GetOpenState() == 1) ;OFF SwitchON() ElseIf (Self.GetOpenState() == 3) ;ON SwitchOFF() Else ;Swear lots EndIf Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) ; for anims to complete Self.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False) EndEvent ;**************************************************************************************************************** Function SwitchON() Bool bReturn ;bReturn = Self.PlayGamebryoAnimation(asAnimation = "Stage2") ;Switching ;Utility.Wait(1.0) bReturn = Self.PlayGamebryoAnimation(asAnimation = "Stage3") ;ON ObjectReference MyLight = Self.GetLinkedRef(pSKK_RRLightLink) If (MyLight == None) ;Dont create duplicates on some crazy exception path. MyLight = Self.PlaceAtNode("SKK_ATTACHLIGHT", pDefaultLightFire01NSFlicker, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled = false, abDeleteWhenAble = true, abAttach = true) Self.SetLinkedRef(MyLight, pSKK_RRLightLink) ; Dont trust NONE keyword linkedrefs. EndIf EndFunction ;**************************************************************************************************************** Function SwitchOFF() Bool bReturn ;bReturn = Self.PlayGamebryoAnimation(asAnimation = "Stage2") ;Switching ;Utility.Wait(1.0) bReturn = Self.PlayGamebryoAnimation(asAnimation = "Stage1") ;OFF RemoveLight() EndFunction ;**************************************************************************************************************** Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference akActionRef) Debug.Trace("SKK_RROilLampSwitchScript.OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed " + Self) RemoveLight() EndEvent ;**************************************************************************************************************** Function RemoveLight() ObjectReference MyLight = Self.GetLinkedRef(pSKK_RRLightLink) If (MyLight != None) Self.SetLinkedRef(None, pSKK_RRLightLink) MyLight.Disable() MyLight.Delete() EndIf EndFunction ;**************************************************************************************************************** The nif has 3 states and provides its own weak internal illumination, this adds a stronger source. Note the p-AttachLight connect point shown in Preview Window is not findable/attachable so I had to add my own. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocClox Posted April 14, 2021 Author Share Posted April 14, 2021 Else ;Swear lots EndIf Hehehe. That sounds familiar :D Seriously, thanks for that. That looks interesting. I know the light I'm trying to use has a TurningOn animation, but I'd been hoping I didn't need to do the two in order. Maybe that was wishful thinking on my part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocClox Posted April 15, 2021 Author Share Posted April 15, 2021 I actually had these all lit earlier. I set up a generator and pylon and nothing happened. So I set up a shack wall and ceiling and tried putting a placing light there with the workshop - and it still wouldn't light. Then the game crashed, but when I reloaded the lights were all lit. I'm definitely missing something. Maybe I'll have more luck with a different light. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RolazLaguna Posted February 20 Share Posted February 20 Thanks a lot to SKKmods! I was looking for ways to activate precisely LightOilLampOnOffSwitch and just tested your solution, and as usual, it works just fine. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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