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how to merge texture mods


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i´m sure this has been asked before, and i´m sorry, but i was wondering if i could make my 10-20 texture mods (probably 30+) all one?


my most basic must have texture mod is the texture pack combiner http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801//? in which i´ve put all the mods he recommend, except lush trees and grass, which i run by itself, because i like when trees and grass is actually green, and not grayish. anyway, can i just copy something like this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32367/?# to the data folder and overwrite the other textures? and after 10 minutes, reduce 30 mods to just 1?


i dont know if its even possible, or if i would have to edit an esp file or what not, hence this thread.


thanks :)

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