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Fortify enchanting/smithing potions last for X items instead of X seco


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This should really be how these potions work. It's so stupid trying to cram as many item upgrades as you can into an small window of time. This would also fix the problem of not being able to rename items at the enchanting table.


The solution is simple, and fixes all problems, including the one I mention below.


Instead of enchanting items is 20 % better for 60 seconds it would read:


Enchanting is 20 % better for next 4 items... or 3 or 2 or 6. You get the idea.


I mean with 60 second if you're quick you can enchant up to 10 items and upgrade well over 20 items at the workshop or grindstone. That's simply to much power for one potion if you ask me. This forces a resonable limitation without forcing you to try to get Koren Starcraft 2 player mouse clicks per second.


Personally i'd like to see 1 item per 15 seconds of what a potion would give you.

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