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Almost figured CaliberX out


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Alright, now I'm cooking with gas here. Figured out all the projectiles and cartridges n whatnot. Now, editing the vanilla weapon calibers. senterpat, you said I could edit the vanilla weapons in GECK with the esp loaded after, but Caliber is not an esp, it's an esm. So now what?

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Load up your mods in the geck, checking caliber esm, and whatever other mods your editing. Saving the file with caliber esm will add it as a master. You can do that or use fnvedit to change it into an esp and edit it directly, though it's probably easier to just add the changes to the ESP your editing vanilla weapons in.
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So I can create a mod that changes the vanilla calibers? Interesting, the only 'mods' I've made were the activation of different calibers from caliberx, so what you're saying is that I must create a mod with FalloutNV and Caliberx as master and somehow use it too modify the vanilla weapons?

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Yep, having them both as masters will let you do exactly what you want. Just open vanilla weapons up, and switch the ammo list to whichever caliberx ammo list you want it to use.


You can apply this rule to any mod you want. Esps will not be added as masters when opened in the geck, you'll have to use fnvedit to add esps as masters.


Hope that helps, I'm a bit out of sorts. If not I'll come back and clarify in the morning.

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Actually, I spoke too soon. All the vanilla weapons I edited cause problems now. Specifically, when I get my pipboy out and scroll down the weapons, if I mouse over any weapon I edited the game immediately CTD's. What may have caused this? I only changed the ammo list, projectile, and shell casing. Actually, some weapons are ok like the 9mm pistol while others like the assault carbine and 12.7 mm pistol are not. Edited by psycho2112
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Ok, After using FNVedit I can see that the conflict is with FOOK. FOOK's version of the weapons is different and shows up red in FNVedit. Thing is, I don't want to get rid of FOOK, so How can I have my esp override FOOK and win the conflict?

Alright, after checking some more it seems weapon mods expanded also has some issues with it. My esp wins the conflict actually, but it puts the Fook and Weapon mod expanded files in the red.

Edited by psycho2112
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Trying to brainstorm here, so I just tried modifying the load order to put my esp first, but that won't work because it will be overwritten. I could try editing the esp to match some data on the last overwritten esp which is weapon mods expanded. Or, I could try some sort of merger patch. I'm not very good with this stuff.

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Loading your ESP after fook should make your esps changes the ones the game uses.

I did load it after, but for some weapons the biggest beef was with Weapon mods expanded it seems. I could try making them masters, but I don't know. I'll try loading it last again.

Yeah, Weapon mods expanded is kicking my rear end. I'm going to see if I can somehow patch it with FNVedit.

Edited by psycho2112
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