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Companion's Insight for Civil War Faction's (Requires Dragonbo


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I am sure we have all been there - in the heat of battle, fighting for either the Empire or the Stormcloaks, mowing down our foes with gleeful abandon. And then we accidentally strike down one of our fellow Imperials Legionnaires/Stormcloak Rebels and feel a moment of anguish as his or her lifeless carcass hits the ground.


Yeah... woops.


But, what if Companion's Insight, which prevents you from harming companions with blade, spell or shout, was modified into an ability that prevented you from harming Stormcloaks or Imperials. So long as you had no need to kill anyone in your faction then this would only be a plus. What do you guys think, is this possible? Would this be useful? Chime in below!

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