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A mini dragon pet or summon (but preferably pet) that actually flies?


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I absolutely love the idea of having a miniature dragon follow me around. I've tried several mods that add mini dragons as companions, but they either walk funny, or they don't fly. Midas Magic's conjure dragonling is glitching out too, when I summon it it just flies off then gets stuck in his flight path, much like the way bethesda's dragons do sometimes.


Basically, here's what I'm looking for:


-it has to look awesome


-I would like it if it could talk


-it should be able to hover around the character, but not all the time. Maybe, when the dragon is on the ground, you can command it to hover around you by saying something like "Stretch your wings for a bit, [name]" and when it's flying you could be like "Okay, come back down now." and it will land.


-it should fight the way bethesda's dragons do, by flying around for a bit and shouting then eventually landing after a bit to continue the fight.


-I would prefer it to be a permanent follower, either a pet or a permanent summon that you can toggle on/off


-if it's a pet it should have the options of followers, like carrying your stuff, waiting, etc.


-it should be able to fly you to the major cities and the small towns (by small towns I mean Rorikstead, Riverwood, etc) that you've already discovered, maybe using these commands "I need you to fly me somewhere" then the dragon would ask "where?" and then you would tell him. You should be able to see him fly you there too, not like that cutscene when you mount Odhaviing.


-obviously, if it's going to fly you places, it can't be too small.


If anyone knows of a mod that has the things I'm looking for, please link me to it.

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