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Sudden FPS loss after updates


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pc specs:

gtx 1080 ti

i7 8700k

32 ram

500 gb ssd, 1tb hd


I was running 90-120 fps consistently with rudy enb and 60 mods focused on graphics.After doing some windows, intel, and NVIDIA driver updates I've dumped down to the 40-70 fps range. I've kept my game the exact same for nearly 6 months, and haven't touched any of my files.


I've narrowed down the problem to rudy enb, but I don't understand what could have caused this sudden drop. I was using rudy before with perfect frames, and none of my other games are affected. I haven't installed any new mods, or even touched my skyrim folders. Sadly I don't have a restore point from before the updates. I tried rolling back my nvidia drivers and that didn't work, but I am not sure how to rollback my intel updates, or if I even should. I've also tried reworking my settings on the nvidia control panel for both performance and quality, neither had any change whatsoever. To ensure that an enb was the problem I did a fresh skyrim install and only added the rudy enb, and my frames were the exact same.


also I am using vortex to install mods, and I have skyrim legendary edition, I run it all off of SKSE, but the results are the same running from the regular launcher


Here's a screenshot of the updates that went through



any help would be appreciated!

Edited by dirtybongwater1
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