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Dawnguard, Followers


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Ok, so I just started Dawnguard, I know I'm slow, like to take my time, make it last. Anyway I have done three things in Dawnguard I believe, I am now up to the quest where I am supposed to follow Serena, or whatever her name is, into the castle to find her mother, but, she keeps telling me to "get rid of this interloper" by which I am assuming she means a follower, however I have placed all my followers at different homes and told them to relax, no longer following, no one around when she say's this.

Do I have to dismiss all my followers totally, (that would really suck !) because I am not sure where I got a lot of them, have to look them up again. Can I use the console to see how many followers I have and where they are ? I use Convenient Horses for my followers, so maybe there is a problem there ? can I use the console to dismiss all my followers if necessary ? ( even though I don't REALLY want to )

Any help would be good.


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Not sure how many followers you currently have? You can use the console to clear them all but since you are using a multiple follower mod not sure if it will affect that? Many of my followers are designed to sandbox in the location where they were left. I recommend using the journal feature in the main menu or simply writing down their locations before clearing them. I have actually not got to play the Dawnguard DLC yet, I am too busy with updates and requests here lately. Edited by FalmerBane
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