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Terran Confederation


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I am making a Space Station for the GTS mod ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3157 ). There are teleporter beacons that take you to the space station then you can use the station's teleporter to go anywhere in the world. I was thinking of including a map to travel destinations near Earth, too. You might want to use this to get you to your moon base. *shrug*
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As this mod has got some interest and people want it to become much more than my initial plan I am now seeking...help, well not the PANIC-button-help but a crew that can make textures, meshes, dialog and quests. I can do textures and I am getting better at it every day, Im also learning the advanced functions in GECK. With a one man crew this may take a while. Anyone that can contribute for the ConFederation.
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Does anyone know how to change the map on the Pleximap that can be found in the Citadel. When I change DDS it just change the surrounding metal structure but the map never change. Do I have to change the NIF. file?
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that concerning the Confed nanosuit that you should add a script along the lines of this:

scn ConNanosuit
Begin OnEquip Player
player.UnequipItem PipBoyGlove 0 1

Begin OnUnequip
player.EquipItem PipBoyGlove 0 1

which would, when you equip the armor remove the pip-boy from your arm and put it back when you unequip it.

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Does anyone know how to change the map on the Pleximap that can be found in the Citadel. When I change DDS it just change the surrounding metal structure but the map never change. Do I have to change the NIF. file?


Yes you must make a new Nif and change the textures there. Inside this NIF there are 2 texture paths you must change. I already did it before and it worked.

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